Category: photomanipulation

Beyond photoography: Illustration

After you gathered some photos it the time to make something useful with them, like drawing some illustrations – this one is made with Inkscape using as a reference one of the pieces from the photoshot.


I know I could spend some more time on this, improve the shading, add a few highlights and better texture in the hair, maybe enhance the cleavage… but enough for today.

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She and her boots

I have to witness I liked the idea of a delicate girl wearing big, bulky, rough boots, I think it has the potential for a good story, with tension and visual impact.

her boots

Unfortunately, the boots were not the best for the shoot, so the first step in dealing with them was to fire-up GIMP and erase those strident red/yellow labels, a supposed bad girl will not show such labels.
her boots

Then the overall color of the brown leather was not matching well the rest of the clothes (those are mountain boots, not war boots…) so I changed their color a bit, going from brown to black. At this step I cleaned them a bit – not much, such thing is better done before taking the photos.
her boots

After this work I think the result is better compared with the starting point, still there is room for further improvement.

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Enhancing her

Is arrogant to pretend you enhance the model, but after shooting you have to enhance the photos a bit, even if you just smooth the skin, sharpen the eyes and mouth and adjust the colors. Being quite a FLOSS zealot, I do that with GIMP:

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National day, December 1st military parade

What a bummer! After a couple of sunny weeks the morning of the national day, with its traditional military parade, was cloudy and misty. Bad for photography, bad for the photographer, so the photos are not much better than last year, in yet another cold, cloudy and misty winter morning. Click to enlarge.

military parade

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Cooking and Shooting: Boiled (Mulled) wine

From the “posted elsewhere” category, with a full HOWTO of the process on my other blog. Enjoy.

boiled (mulled) wine

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Box of eyes tutorial

Still looking for a storage solution, have not published a large amount of photos lately, but I am still alive, doing a little bit different stuff, like writing, like this weird box of eyes with GIMP tutorial or identity design.

box of eyes

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Wold in eye

Guys tell girls phrases like "I can see the world in your eyes", but they have no idea how close are to the reality, look at this photo of an eye (zoom level 1:1) to see how all the world is reflected into it:

world in eye

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Watermark fixing

Following one of my graphic tutorials I got a request from one (supposedly) US girl: she say she lost the originals of some photos and need some help to recover a few who were watermarked by a hosting site.

I decided to not investigate further her identity and motivation and since the images are small and blurry anyway, I tried a bit of fixing with GIMP, nothing fancy, just a few minutes with the clone, shear and maybe the healing tool.

original original

Not that bad with less than 5 minutes of work on each… (yeah, is possbile to work more on them for a better result)

Now being on different continents, I am a bit disappointed I cannot ask her in exchange to work for me as a model in a photo session, I am really look for models at this moment.

Steampunk photography with GIMP

Liked the comic strip tutorial from the other day? Now here is another one, about what I like to call steampunk photography, I wrote this one last year but until today it was not published properly (now is together with my other graphic tutorials:

steampunk photography

And stop for now with the tutorials, I don’t have other in the pipe for the immediate future.

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Photo comic strip with GIMP and Inkscape

After taking the photos you may want to do some more than just looking at them, like, why not, create a comic strip, so here is a tutorial for doing this with GIMP and Inkscape:

comic strip tutorial

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This week’s homework for the photography is about storytelling: take a known picture, The Marriage Feast at Cana by Hieronymus Bosch in my case, and cut it in pieces telling a story, just like a story board, pretty much a cinematographic experience.

So I took the picture and told the story as straightforward as I could (the text in the picture is in Romanian, read below for an approximative English translation):

[cana storytelling]

  1. lilt music is coming from the background
  2. some dogs are playing in the rhythm of the music
  3. the servants are busy getting plates filled with goodies at the table
  4. an pouring wine in jugs
  5. everybody’s partying, joy is everywhere
  6. a worried servant is coming in a hurry from the kitchen
  7. someone is informing the groom that the wine was exhausted
  8. the jugs are empty
  9. the dinners feel something is wrong and start talking
  10. the last drops of wine are poured
  11. the preacher feel there is a problem and do his trick
  12. the host announce there is no problem and they have enough wine for everybody
  13. doubtfully, the dinners taste the wine and find it even better than before
  14. in amazement, start talking about the miracle they just witnessed
  15. the music continues, even stronger and lilt
  16. the party continues like nothing happened

I found the story too predictable and thus boring and uninteresting, so I tried another version, telling something different than the old Bible story (again, an approximative English translation below):

[cana storytelling]

  1. Big wedding in Cana
  2. a lot of people eat, drink and feel good
  3. suddenly, the preacher yells "you eat, drink and party, now choke on it!"
  4. mwha-ha-ha-ha! mwha-ha-ha!
  5. he do a short hand gesture
  6. the wine jugs are dry
  7. servants are coming from the kitchen: the wine barrels are also dry
  8. people start talking and looking strange at the groom and the hosts
  9. a wise woman bow to the groom’s ear and say "you can’t stand such humiliation, you have to give to the preacher the right to the first night with your bride"
  10. the preacher do another hand gesture
  11. the wine is flowing again
  12. is plenty of wine, the diners drink it vigorously
  13. humbly, the host bows before the, nor feared, preacher
  14. the minstrels dedicate hymns to him
  15. the servants lump to accomplish all his demands
  16. the party continues
  17. but you can feel in the air the fear, the weakness
  18. even the animals feel uneasy in their play
  19. the preacher lick his thick lips libidinously
  20. and the bride cry slowly, accepting her fate and sacrifice. a sour smile: "if he knew what is awaiting…"
  21. and a conclusion: the story teller of this blasphemy will burn in the fire of Hell for his heresy

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Screencast: photomanip

To finally put the portrait and its photomanipulation to rest, I feel like a screencast (a video tutorial) is in place.

Note1: the soundtrack is made from freely licensed music by Severed Fifth;

Note2: I have the video available in its original format, at an incredible image quality, but the file is large, too large for what vide sharing sites allows, so I’m looking into the right way to publish it.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Beyond portraits: photomanipulation

I take seriously the freedom thing so my photos are never photoshoped, they are gimped instead :p So I used GIMP to touch the portrait I made the other day.

A first step was to play with the saturation, the initial colors are a bit too strong and the black and white is not bad at all:

Portrait: photomanipulation

Another interesting operation is to play with cropping and put in the spotlight what you think is the most interesting part of the picture:

Portrait: photomanipulation

And of course, unleash the gimping extravaganza going for a "glossy magazine cover" type of photography: heal the unwanted spots, soften the skin with selective gaussian blur, sharpen the eyes, lips and hair, other important details (the ring in this case) and, why not, alter the color of the eyes and lips. And stop here, while a bit of sanity is still preserved…

Portrait: photomanipulation

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FUDCon Day 2: Tux, The Babe Magnet

Another day at FUDCon and the conclusion: Tux is a real babe magnet.

Tux as a babe magnet

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