When I bought the toy a few days ago I hat it shipped at my office, as usual, since this is the most convenient for me. Couple of days later, it was the time to bring it home and much to the shock on friend who lives in an unsecure country where something like this is inconceivable, I had no problem taking in the street, since in Bucharest something like this is obviously a toy. Of course, inside its original box
The day coincided with the openSUSE release party, where I participated along with a few friends and all the toys I could carry (Mo called us “Fedora release party crasher crew” for this). The meeting point with the other guys was at the exit from a subway station, Piața Victoriei, since I thought this may be the most convenient for all. And now is the moment when my stupidity shines: while waiting, I showed them my toy, ready to take it out of the box and fully assemble it. And only then we realised we are less than 100 meters away from the Government Palace, a building heavily guarded, with armed soldiers and in a time when the government just raised the taxes. And realised is probably a good idea to keep the toy inside the box And also realised how stupid can I be at times.
But this is not all… we continued to wait with the box under the arm while a guy passing by, not sure if he was drunk, crazy or both, asked us if that is real. From the box it was obvious is a toy, but we told him this once again. Then he asked us if we know where he can buy a real one (AFAIK, is not possible or legal to buy an AK 47 in Romania) so we, amused, directed him to ask the palace guards, since they surely have real guns. Before leaving he let us know how angry is he with the Prime Minister and bragged about he would do if he had a real weapon (from his look I doubt he ever touched one).
So I am stupid, but probably not the only one. Hope not the biggest one either…
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You can actually posess a civilian-style AK-47 (i.e. semiautomatic-only; pretty easy to reinstate full-automatic mode using “after-market” parts
) in a handful of situations such as: owner of weaponry shop, collector etc.
Using it (even at a firing range) is a different story, but if you are lucky enough to have a grandpa that used to be in the military, then anything is possible
Duh! I wasn’t even aware there is such thing as “civilian-style AK-47”
I have a lot to learn in this area…
Oh, and about being stupid: I was in the back of a Dacia SupeRNova chasing a LandRover on DN1, doing 110Km/h while changing lanes in an attempt to avoid each other’s fire. I was firing my Beretta out the window on my right while helping the driver (!) reload his Glock (he had some 4 magazines, firing the first two while we reloaded with BBs and gas the other two in the back). The person on my left was firing with both hands, a Colt and a RoboCop-style M92-F.
In the LandRover, the driver (some famous VJ, won’t tell his name here) was using his left hand to fire an H&K Compact back at us while the person on his right (some famous cameraman, won’t tell his name here) alternated between the AK-47 and a P90 (both fully automatic) while the girls on their back seat reloaded the other one.
We carried on this way from Saftica up to the intersection with Aleea Privighetorilor — and we only stopped there because we saw a police car. We were all wearing black tactical vests and everyone (save for the drivers) also wore black balaclavas.
We emptied three bottles of 0.20g BBs, 2 big gas cylinders and the guys with the electric weapons wasted two hi-cap battery packs.
Stupid enough?
I for one looooooooooved it and I would do it again anytime :))
Dexter, I am no match for you…
@nicu : definetly Dexter has it longer then you, just imagine the hollywood movie like scene
… , you said it well your Fu is no match for him.
And yes the answer is 42 … I’ve double checked it.
Not that I would recommend anyone do the same. “Racing shootout” is a very stupid thing to do on a public road and it may get you into serious trouble.
Do not try this at home! ™