Month: April 2018

Random portrait

Random spontaneous portrait with blonde girl in many colors.

Random portrait


Acting like a megastar into the night


Not color

When you take a shoot at an event called ‘The Color Run’ and decide it goes better in Black and White

Not color

Fun color

When Green is a color of fun

Fun color

From the foam

Foamy gate near the end of a Color Run event

From the foam


It’s been a while since I posted some yummy food


Never forget

The girl visiting a field of forget-me-not flowers

Never forget


Light projection on a fancy building


Go with the flow

A flow of light on a street in Bucharest

Go with the flow

Spring magic

Isn’t the spring blossom magic?


Beware: she is armed, dangerous and pretty


Rock’s Edge

The Swan on the Rock’s Edge

Rock edge

Spring path

A view on the spring in the Botanical Garden

Little dress

Pretty little dress for a little girl

Little dress

Friendly goat

Friendly goat ready to kiss the photographer