Month: May 2018


From a living statues performance act


White on white 2

The white peacock showing his white feathers

White on white 2

Not so White

Some kind of Snow White from a living statues performance

Not so White

Come to the Darkside

Come to the Darkside they said we have blue lights they said

Come to the Darkside


Swanlings learning to dive into the water



Yummy, delicious cupcakes



Mother and son


Painter at work

Restoration work in an orthodox church

Painter at work

The frog

Lurking behind the rock, here is the green frog

Little and shriveling

Not an easy task to stand over the big lake

Little and shriveling

Aye Skipper!

Boating before the sunset

Aye Skipper!

Glittery lake

A lake with glittery lights and… ducklings

Glittery lake

Cormorant eating

Snack time for the cormorant

Cormorant eating

Golden boat

The boat goes along in the golden light

Golden boat

Duckling encounter

Lake encounter with the new ducklings

Duckling encounter