Probably people expected me to publish a lot of photos from ARTmania and I failed them… what can I say? from my point of view it had the potential of a so great event only to end so depressing… Still, I can’t disappoint totally (or can I?) and put at least something, a stupid photo of a cute drunk dog and a cute half-anonymous girl, made by yours truly, the idiot photographer:

Ioi da’ ce-i cu atatea atribute negative pe tine Nicu? 🙁
Chiar atat de tare te-a dezamagit evenimentul? 🙁
Eu din pacate n-am prea avut timp sa ma bucur de el asa cum as fi vrut, ca deh, mi-a trebuit voluntariat… 🙁 Dar a fost interesant oricum sa iau parte la un asemenea eveniment de pe partea cealalta a “baricadei” 😉
Nu atit evenimentul cit lucruri din jurul lui. Si mai ales idiotenia mea.