So how do you see this barbed wire, as a representation of freedom or of the lack of it?

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So how do you see this barbed wire, as a representation of freedom or of the lack of it?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
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Buna intrebare!
oricum, simpla existenta a sarmei ghimpate duce cu gandul la restrictie.
Prima mea impresie a fost cea negativa, dar… pana la urma depinde de care parte a gardului te afli
Adica, ma gandesc ca , chiar daca eu sunt in afara lagarului, aia dinauntru tot lipsiti de libertate sunt …
Hi Nicu,
If it’s broken then I see it as freedom, if it’s in one piece (like in your picture), then as lack of freedom.
BTW. to save time and space: your other posts contain lots of really nice pictures, I really like the autumn ones, and of course I love the pictures from wiki loves monuments
My favourites would be Stavropoleos_noaptea.jpg (yours), and from the winners “Union Square of Timișoara”, “Mavros-Cantacuzino manor” (I *really* love this one) and “Densuș church” (looks kinda CGish, but it adds a nice feel to the picture).
yes Martin, I also loved that manor and the light there. and also gave points to the odd church picture for that effect.