My friend asked for a series of photos showing my world, true and real, just as it is, with ugly parts and beautiful parts. So I am doing it.

sucky world

As you can see, now the world is sad, dark, dirty and lacking any hope. Welcome to the reality.
sucky world

To complete the mood, let me share a poem written by one famous Romanian artist:

by George Bacovia

So many nights I’ve heard the rain,
Have heard matter weeping …
I am alone, my mind is drawn
Towards lacustrine dwellings.

As though I slept on wet boards,
A wave will slap me in the back –
I start from sleep, and it seems
I haven’t drawn the bridge from the bank.

A void of history extends,
I find myself in the same times …
And sense how through so much rain
The heavy timber stilts are tumbling.

So many nights I’ve heard the rain,
Always starting, always waiting …
I am alone, my mind is drawn
Towards lacustrine dwellings …

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