Month: November 2010

Inertia + Glass = …

These days I am so low, that I continue to exist and function mostly from inertia… and how the plan to buy some new glass was made long ago, when I had the money for it I followed the inertia and got it. At a focal range of 11-16 mm, it is something one would call ultra-wide and all can say is the world seen trough it is different.

Still, people who know me know my interest in cold buildings or landscapes (strong points for such a camera) is limited, my heart is to photos with people and it will allow for interesting effects, like perspective deformation, impossibly long legs, shooting someone head-to-toes from maybe 1 meter away and such so obviously need to play with it. The problem is… right now I don’t want to be around people, except one single, special person, who do everything to keep me away. Inertia got me stuck to a wall.

wide wide

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The season of joy

season season

The city administration is preparing for the winter holidays, I can only look with a bitter smile, looking forward to what I expect to be, from a personal point of view, a strong candidate for the saddest season ever.

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Last rose? Yes.

It was an incredibly warm November so far (it won’t last, according with he forecast) so I had a last opportunity for a sunny morning with a lone rose in my garden.

last rose

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9449 kilometers

My friend talked me into joining this project called 9449 kilometers (the title is the distance from Caracas, Venezuela to Bucharest, Romania) where we choose a topic, take each other a photo and put the results side by side. We just started the project, last week the topic was “office supplies” (but we evolved it in “notes”), this week was “stairs”, next week is supposed to be “alone” and so forth. Enjoy.


Vengeance? I’ll pass

I am not a religious person but if I was I could easily categorize this as divine justice or such… back when a clueless manager had one video I made at a weddings fair removed from YouTube, not realising this is publicity for him and his artists, my only reaction was to complain on my photography blog and stop posting pictures with his starlets.

Well, the faith turned and pretty much by accident I managed to snap by chance a really embarrassing picture from an on-stage performance. I half-smile observing the “divine justice” and process to doing nothing. I won’t give them any publicity. And I don’t feel the need for vengeance on those people.

Of bees and flowers

The last breath of the flowers, I had the opportunity to capture some classic close-ups with bees, which was a good opportunity, a first test of the macro capabilities of my new lens.

bees and flowers

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Tufanele/Crizanteme = Chrysanthemums

In some parts of the country they call those “tufănele” (especially when the flowers are smaller), the dictionary says “crizanteme”, English is “Chrysanthemums” and in the last few autumns I made a habit to capture a few pictures from my garden. It seems however this will be the last year, the poor flowers are rarer and rarer, dying due to my lack of attention. I have moments of shame for that.




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