Month: August 2011

Fashion on the beach

Among the many things that happened in Vama Veche was a day with fashion photography. It started with a studio session:




And continued with an outside session, on the beach, near a stage with rock music (death metal!):



For the day to be complete, in-between was time for some street-fashion play:

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The shell girl

I think the shells picking girl is good representation for what is happening in Vama Veche: free, unconventional, direct, sincere.

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Love on the beach

“Am plecat la Vama Veche
Ca sa imi gasesc pereche
Am ajuns la Vama Veche
Si sunt apucat de streche
Stau pe plaja-n Vama Veche
Si-am sarutul in ureche
Doar pe plaja-n Vama Veche
Noi totï vom avea pereche.”
Vama Veche – Vama Veche

love on the beach

love on the beach

love on the beach

love on the beach

love on the beach

PS: I found nothing

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Morning in Vamă

The nights in Vama Veche are really long and hard so the morning are, obviously, even harder.



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For a good while I was waiting to get to Caru’ cu Bere in Bucharest: a friend talked about the papanași there, allegedly one of the best you can get, and another was talking about the beautiful interior decorations. At last I got there, tried the food (pictured below), but didn’t try the interior, it was a warm summer evening, just good to stay outside. A next time should follow.

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Trash the Dress in Vama Veche

Photography wise, the wedding is a first step, it should better continue with trashing the dress, as I did last week in Vama Veche, at the sea side, with my friends Andeea and Alex.

trash the dress

trash the dress

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Indian play

I expect my readers who are actually Indians to go ballistic on me for the title, but is not my fault, my fellow photographer, Flori, and the model, Mia, set the idea, theme, accessories and details of this shot, I just happened to be around and take photos. And the clothing, jewellery and hand painting are of Indian inspiration.

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Into the sunset

Lately I got into a strange spree of shooting sunsets, I am fully aware it is cliché but what can I do when the sunset is in front of me and I have the camera handy? Look trough the viewfinder and press the shutter… sue me! 😀






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ARTmania 2011: the clouds

Probably this is the most unexpected part in my series about ARTmania, a picture of the sky… I noticed the wonderful color of the sunset and the weird clouds, but it was until Silvia pointed the tank when I noticed the battle in the sky, complete with a helicopter, a missile and a sea of red.

sky battle

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ARTmania 2011: the streets

I reported about music and people what else is next? The streets, of course:




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ARTmania 2011: the people

So there is a music (metal) festival in the city, there also have to be people too, some of them for the event, some not. Capturing them is a must for the photographer:





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ARTmania 2011: the music

This year I attended ARTmania as a photographer sent by Studio Rock, so with the press pass I had better access to take my photos. And as a metal festival is mostly about the music, this first post will be about the music (some other stuff will follow), there are the bands:

lacrimas profundere
Lacrimas Profundere


tarja turunen
Tarja Turunen


sonata arctica
Sonata Arctica

lacuna coil
Lacuna Coil

And, of course, there were rockers. Many of them:

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Wiki Loves Monuments

Ramping-up the launch of the Wiki Loves Monuments contest (Free photography for Wikipedia):

Stay tuned.