Having a bad day in a row of bad days from a row of bad weeks from a row of bad months, hoping this little fuzzy guy (the pink elephant is the mascot of what probably is the best pub in the world) will help a bit. No workee…

Having a bad day in a row of bad days from a row of bad weeks from a row of bad months, hoping this little fuzzy guy (the pink elephant is the mascot of what probably is the best pub in the world) will help a bit. No workee…
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Try some chocolate, a big bowl of popcorn, something to drink and a good movie with some friends, or a poker night, OR a LAN party!!!!
te dai la Andreea Retinschi
http://www.delirium.ro ?
@Andreea: I was so down that I forgot the modem on the office desk, next to my keyboard, so not even the LAN party was an option for me.
@Anonymous: nu stiam de pagina aia, elefantelul e mascota Délirium Café unde saptamina trecuta pe vremea asta beam Delirium Tremens, Delirium Nocturnum si alte bunatati. Dar nu de asta sint “down”, doar ca elefantelul roz s-a nimerit sa fie jucaria aflata la indemina.