Month: September 2013

Autumn again

Endless rain, dead leaves on the ground, cold weather: yes, it’s autumn again.

autumn again

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Femei pe Matasari

Caught with domestic tasks, unfortunately this year I couldn’t properly attend the “Femei pe Mătăsari” urban festival, I managed to catch only its opening show:

fenei pe matasari
femei pe matasari

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Crossing the road

People crossing the road near Dristor in Bucharest.

crossing the road

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On his knees

Usually I avoid taking pictures of children on the street, but this time the scene had a strong, tempting story.

on his knees

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Another walk for wiki

After the fruitful photo walk I managed to return to the area for yet another solo picture gathering for Wiki Loves Monuments. This time I ventured on smaller streets with lower car traffic, so I was a bit more efficient, taking more pictures in a comparable time frame. Unfortunately, the time is closing up, so I wont be able to return once more for this year’s edition.

wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments

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Om-nom-nom: Plum Dumplings

I cook myself rarely and while this is a favorite childhood dessert, I never made it before, so for a first try I think those plum dumplings are not bad at all. Below are some fancy serving suggestions:

plum dumplings
plum dumplings
plum dumplings

Or simply eat them, as I did as a child:

plum dumplings

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Happy birthday Bucharest

This year the authorities were worse than ever organizing the Bucharest days in its 554 anniversary, so people had to do their own things, like this photo exhibition called “La Multi Ani București” (“Happy Birthday Bucharest”) where I had a few pictures, all taken inside the city.

happy birthday bucharest
happy birthday bucharest
happy birthday bucharest

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On this side of the road there are two men, enjoying their fine beers:


On the other side, two other men, enjoying their fine ice creams:


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Baby sleep

Babies, they do like to sleep in the oddest postures. We… we are just happy they do sleep.

baby sleep

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Pretty bikers

It was not easy to make the selection, but in a blog post you can include only a limited number ob pictures, so below are a few of the pretty bicyclers taking part in the recent SkirtBike (I know one of them isn’t wearing a skirt and she should, but I didn’t penalize her for that):

pretty bikers
pretty bikers
pretty bikers
pretty bikers
pretty bikers
pretty bikers

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A walk for wiki

Part of my contribution to this year Wiki Loves Monuments (Romanian edition) I made a solo photo walk to gather some pictures representing historical monuments for sharing on Wikipedia. My route was around an old street in Bucharest, Calea Călărașilor, an area with a huge number of buildings from the XIX century which are considered monuments but few people know about them . It was fruitful, I came back with over 150 photos, but a large part of the area is still uncovered, hopefully I may be able to return. Below are a few samples: 3 of what I found the better looking of them and 3 in the most deplorable state.

walk for wiki
walk for wiki
walk for wiki
walk for wiki
walk for wiki
walk for wiki

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Skirt vs. skirt

Technically the second one isn’t a skirt, it is a kilt, but its wearer presented it so when he participated to SkirtBike.

skirt vs skirt

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Urban portraits

Just a couple of portraits taken on the street (in the park actually)

urban portraits
urban portraits

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Lamp silhouette

Is not yet night so the lamp would start fulfilling its purpose. For the moment it’s waiting for it.

lamp silhouette

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The little biker that could

The little biker could jump over the obstacle. Unfortunately, he didn’t, this was his most aggressive stance. Maybe next time…

little biker that could

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