Its’ gone.
But don’t be sad, beer is everywhere, the next one is waiting for you just around the corner.

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Its’ gone.
But don’t be sad, beer is everywhere, the next one is waiting for you just around the corner.
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Another totally random encounter in Vienna was a beer festival taking place near the city center, a few hundreds of meters away from the St. Stephan cathedral. The setting was not very different from the festivals at home, the same tables and chairs, some different brands of beer and food, a much larger orchestra playing.
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Ever since I got The Sniper I wanted to go hunt squirrels, but things happened, I was either busy or down so postponed it again and again, until the last week-end, when despite the improper weather, I got some work done. So, introducing Mr. Squirrel of Herastrau Park once again:
Now indulge me for some Romanian language, I remembered an old joke, which I won’t bother to translate (but for the gist of it, bere = beer, veverita = squirrel ~= beaver in slang)
Veverita vs Bere
O bere este mereu umeda. Veverita trebuie încurajata.
1 punct pt. bere.
O bere nu-i placuta atunci cind este calda.
1 punct pt. veverita.
O bere inghetata te satisface.
1 punct pt. bere.
Daca gasesti un fir de par intre dinti, band bere, poate sa te apuce vomatul.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Daca te intorci acasa si puti a bere, nevasta-ta te cearta.
Daca te intorci acasa si puti a veverita, nevasta-ta ar putea sa te lase.
1 punct pt. bere, 1 punct pt. veverita. (depinde de punctele de vedere)
10 beri pe noapte si nu mai poti sa conduci.
10 veverite pe noapte si nu mai este nevoie sa conduci.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Daca iti faci treaba cu o o bere intr-un local plin de lume este normal.
Daca iti faci treaba cu o veverita intr-un local plin de lume devii un mit.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Daca un politai te simte ca mirosi a bere, ar putea sa te aresteze.
Daca un politai te simte ca mirosi a veverita, ar putea sa-ti ofere o bere.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Berea mai veche este mai buna.
1 punct pt. bere.
Daca te scufunzi intr-o bere, avand prezervativul la locul lui, nu simti diferenta de gust.
1 punct pt. bere.
Multa bere te poate face sa vezi farfurii zburatoare.
Multa veverita te poate face sa-l vezi pe Dumnezeu.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Daca te intrebi mereu cum va fi urmatoarea veverita, este normal.
Daca te intrebi mereu cum va fi urmatoarea bere, esti alcoolic.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Sa rupi eticheta de pe o sticla de bere este distractiv.
Sa rupi chiloteii unei veverite este mult mai distractiv.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Statul taxeaza berea.
1 punct pt. veverita.
Daca bei inca o bere, prima nu se supara.
1 punct pt. bere.
Esti intotdeauna sigur de a fi primul care deschide sticla de bere.
1 punct pt. bere.
Daca agiti o bere, dupa putin timp, se calmeaza singura.
1 punct pt. bere.
Blonda, rosie sau bruna. Poti alege berea care vrei.
1 punct pt. bere.
Despre o bere se stie exact pana la ultima centima cat o sa coste.
1 punct pt. bere.
Berea nu are o mama.
1 punct pt. bere.
Daca esti o femeie si in momentul asta te superi, sa stii ca berea nu ar fi avut nimic de zis pierzand aceasta confruntare: un alt punct pentru bere.
So, here is some beer:
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Over the week-end I was in Brussels for the FOSDEM conference, as part of the Fedora team, the perfect opportunity to take my wide lens with me and take a lot of travel photos.
So of course there were building, cathedrals, monuments and so:
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For a while we practically moved the headquarter of the FLOSS meetings at Curtea Berarilor (Brewer’s Court) in Bucharest and since then I wanted to take a photo with their most popular (and a modern Romanian tradition) menu: mici, fries, mustard, pickles and, of course, plenty of beer. Every time people were hungry and I missed the opportunity. Until now…
Or in other words: I am Mitica 🙂
Probably people expected me to publish a lot of photos from ARTmania and I failed them… what can I say? from my point of view it had the potential of a so great event only to end so depressing… Still, I can’t disappoint totally (or can I?) and put at least something, a stupid photo of a cute drunk dog and a cute half-anonymous girl, made by yours truly, the idiot photographer:
I know this brans is not that great but is affordable, cold and plenty of it. Just what you need in the summer.
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Trying to document my trip in Brussels at FOSDEM, some photos with food and drinks are in order.
One of the things Brussels is know for is its beer and bars, like Delirium Cafe, a place keeping the world record for having available 2004 types of beer in January 2004:
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Even if for the moment I don’t have a place to host my photos (the long process of repairing this blog is ongoing, will take some more days) I still shoot when I get the opportunity, hoping will post when everything is settled.
So when I saw the big media splash about the Tuborg event held with free entrance in the Izvor Park, I figured it may be a good opportunity for some photos, even if I was not interested much in the music or their beer (like 10 years ago it was probably my beer of choice, now it tastes like the recipe was changed for the worse).
At the entrance a big poster informed you are not allowed with professional photo/video cameras, with food or drinks brought from outside, not even with you own plastic glasses. And a number of agents performing body searches, to ensure you don’t have any of those on you.
Seeing that, my first reaction was to turn back and leave, but I though there is no harm in trying and approached the gate. I guy said: go there, the guy with black sunglasses will look at your camera and decide. OK, trip to the guy with sunglasses, who looked at my entry-level DLSR with zoom lenses mounted and decided: “this is semi-pro, you can’t go in”.
No point in arguing about what is “pro” and “semi-pro” or that the poster said only “pro”, there are a lot of other things to shoot.
And what about beers? My current favorites are imported Czech beers, the Tuborg products are like that: Skol – poor and cheap, a lot of alternatives in this area; Tuborg – worse than it used to be, you can get better at the same price; Carlsberg – this one is passable. Too bad they also the importer for Guinness, the other ones are not missed…
Mmmm… beer.. German beer… It should be cold and a lot of it.
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a bit of utilitarian photography: we "launched" Fedora 11 in Romania: beer, geeky talks and even geek girls.
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A marketing gimmick from Ursus to launch a crappy alcohol free beer (thus the "Alcohol Free Track" name) was to organize a so-called "Urban offroad" competition… I guess the miserable Bucharest it perfect for the job.
It had some acrobatic demos on bikes, the main event, the car competition, prizes, girls and at the end a Parazitii concert (very few photos from the concert as it is hip-hop so I left early).
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As announced on my main blog, we had yesterday a Fedora release party in Bucharest. Of course the photos I took the are nothing close to art, but it is fun (ALL the editing of my photos is made under Linux).
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I dug up this photo from the older Brno FUDCon photo session, since I am not sure we will keep a Fedora Release Party next week in Bucharest.
No room left for a debate, that is not American Budweiser crap, is fine Czech Budweiser beer. Yummmmy….
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After a Fedora/Linux/FOSS conference noting is better than a fine Czech beer with your FOSS fellows. Bottoms up!
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