Category: fashion

Fashion on the beach

Among the many things that happened in Vama Veche was a day with fashion photography. It started with a studio session:




And continued with an outside session, on the beach, near a stage with rock music (death metal!):



For the day to be complete, in-between was time for some street-fashion play:

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Colored eyes

This contact lenses photo session was in the planning for a long time and last week-end the client (is made for an online store selling cosmetic contact lenses) finally made it happen. For the final product the images won’t be used like this, but as crops closed to the eyes, to better show the products. But we don’t sell stuff here, this is about beauty…

lenses lenses

lenses lenses

lenses lenses

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Lady Champagne

She smiles at you 🙂 too bad for the backdrop however…


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Published…. Expo Ideal Mariaj 2011

A few of my photos from the Expo Ideal Mariaj wedding fair in January 2011 are published on their website, complete with the URL of this blog 🙂 6 photos in total, covering the fair floor and presentations, a bit of photojournalism:

ideal mariaj 2011

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Providing shiny since… June 2008

The Romanian word for shine is luciu, so for shiny things what else can I show better than Luciu sisters’ cleavages? …from a wedding dresses fashion parade offered by Sabres Fashion House.

luciu luciu
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Of human stupidity

There are very few things in the world bigger than the human stupidity, here’s a recent example: at the weddings fair today the organizers asked me for a few photos so at some moment I decided to make a tour of the floor, take some shots, so they have a few pictures showing the general context. Which was OK in general, except a couple of booths that asked me to not take pictures, at one a guy rejected me with a hand gesture and at the other a more energetic guy jumped in front of my lens saying “not here”.

This is stupid… those guys failed to understand two basic things: one, that every picture taken there has the chance to end on the web or maybe even in a magazine, meaning free publicity for them. And second, if I was a spy or such, I would not go close and personal, journalism style, with a wide lens… would have used the zoom and took the shoots from 3 booths away, without them noticing or used a compact, posing in an innocent customer, which were allowed to shoot. What would have been the smart thing to to? Allow any picture and make sure the company name is visible. Win-win.

weddings fair

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Delivering: more Carmen photos

Keeping my promises is almost like a religion for me but I also am lazy (no point in denying it) so form time to time is useful when my friends push me to deliver, I promised more photos of Carmen, so here they are:

carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen

And of course thanks to all my readers who voted for her, you are good readers and I will try to give you content to your liking.

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Out of the comfort zone

My experience with fashion photography is limited (but I do want to learn more in the area) and I also have little experience with shooting men – didn’t read much on this area, did not experiment and such, so when getting this request for doing a male fashion shooting I really felt out of my comfort zone but the challenge was interesting. Will let the viewers be judged, I acknowledge I am a noob in this.


During the shooting I tried to play a bit, doing some less boring stuff, but the client was focused on the task at hand, so my freedom was limited.

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Vote for Carmen

Carmen is a beautiful model and I was fortunate to work with her a couple of times in the past, now she needs a vote. Below are a few of my photos with her, but on the vote page there are some you will probably like more (they are more revealing 😀 – I bet you’ll like those!)

Let me try to encourage my readers: if you vote for her and if she wins, I promise to post more photos from the sets below, so what are you waiting for? Go now and vote for Carmen.

carmen carmen

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Sexy photographers

No matter how I pose and what I pretend, I know well and won’t try to deny what not I am: a sexy photographer. But what I can do is acknowledge and show you some: no matter how small their cameras are and how often used, by simply using them they are “photographer” and as for the “sexy” part… you tell who is sexier, the model or the photographer (hint: they take turns, so…)

sexy photographer sexy photographer sexy photographer sexy photographer

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Ghidul Miresei 2010 – a weddings fair

Was the wait long enough? Were you able to endure it? The photos from the Ghidul Miresei weddings fair are up… in the following days I will probably follow with a few higlights.

ghidul miresei

I know there really are a lot of photos, but the girls asked for many pictures so being lazy I dumped the entire selection on the web (and still not as many as they wanted, forgive me girls!).

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Backstage with the brides (video)

Still waiting for the photos? Here’s a little backstage video:

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Not that nasty but so pretty…

One nasty, another one not so much… that the excitement is supposed to be built… the big photodump is coming


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Teaser: playing with the brides (the bride and the panties)

Beware, huge bridal photoshot incoming, including a lot of candids and playful poses, here’s a teaser (technically, this was NOT a candid, since she was aware of my doings):

the pride and the panties

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In the land of the bosomy bosom

As a "respectable" photographer I naturally enjoy seeing a beautiful cleavage, be it on street or at a fashion show, so the past week-end at Expo Mariaj I couldn’t stop admiring the abundance and a famous Seinfeld quote came to mind "… And by the way…they’re real, and they’re spectacular." Can’t vouch for the "real" party, as unfortunately I didn’t get the opportunity to touch them, but "spectacular" indeed they were.

cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage

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