Day: July 24, 2012


I am a true citizen of Bucharest so I have a love-hate relation with my city, I may ridicule it, I may despise it, but sometime I like it and in special cases I may even love it. Here is the Stavropoleos street in a hot Sunday late-afternoon to early-evening, with the Stavropoleos Monastery on the left and Caru’ cu Bere ahead.


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Hostel Miorita

Believe or not, this is emblematic for the city of Bucharest, the picture is taken on the Lipscani street in the old city, the main touristic attraction.

hostel miorita

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Traian and the shewolf

Is a national sport in Romania to ridicule this horrible statue that appeared recently on the stair of the National History Museum in Bucharest, so I had to join the ranks and do my share. A couple of lovers versus a Roman emperor and a female wolf.


Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.