Year: 2009

Depht of Field

On top of being a model this week-end I also took my round as a photographer and my imposed theme was about a shallow depth of field. And a real difficulty of such a shot, beyond overcoming your own lack of technical and artistic knowledge, is to make a, relative large, group of unprofessional models to behave and pose for you. My failure was epic, as usual.

CursPhoton: Depth of Field

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Me Model – Again!

Is not like I’m starting a new career as professional model or something like that, it was late in the night, only a few of us remained at the photography course and she was stuck with me and an imposed theme (high light contrast on two subjects). So I pretend I’m taking photos (well, I really took some photos, but with the lights laid for another photographer in the scene they are all crap and unusable).

CursPhoton: High Contrast

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This week’s homework for the photography is about storytelling: take a known picture, The Marriage Feast at Cana by Hieronymus Bosch in my case, and cut it in pieces telling a story, just like a story board, pretty much a cinematographic experience.

So I took the picture and told the story as straightforward as I could (the text in the picture is in Romanian, read below for an approximative English translation):

[cana storytelling]

  1. lilt music is coming from the background
  2. some dogs are playing in the rhythm of the music
  3. the servants are busy getting plates filled with goodies at the table
  4. an pouring wine in jugs
  5. everybody’s partying, joy is everywhere
  6. a worried servant is coming in a hurry from the kitchen
  7. someone is informing the groom that the wine was exhausted
  8. the jugs are empty
  9. the dinners feel something is wrong and start talking
  10. the last drops of wine are poured
  11. the preacher feel there is a problem and do his trick
  12. the host announce there is no problem and they have enough wine for everybody
  13. doubtfully, the dinners taste the wine and find it even better than before
  14. in amazement, start talking about the miracle they just witnessed
  15. the music continues, even stronger and lilt
  16. the party continues like nothing happened

I found the story too predictable and thus boring and uninteresting, so I tried another version, telling something different than the old Bible story (again, an approximative English translation below):

[cana storytelling]

  1. Big wedding in Cana
  2. a lot of people eat, drink and feel good
  3. suddenly, the preacher yells "you eat, drink and party, now choke on it!"
  4. mwha-ha-ha-ha! mwha-ha-ha!
  5. he do a short hand gesture
  6. the wine jugs are dry
  7. servants are coming from the kitchen: the wine barrels are also dry
  8. people start talking and looking strange at the groom and the hosts
  9. a wise woman bow to the groom’s ear and say "you can’t stand such humiliation, you have to give to the preacher the right to the first night with your bride"
  10. the preacher do another hand gesture
  11. the wine is flowing again
  12. is plenty of wine, the diners drink it vigorously
  13. humbly, the host bows before the, nor feared, preacher
  14. the minstrels dedicate hymns to him
  15. the servants lump to accomplish all his demands
  16. the party continues
  17. but you can feel in the air the fear, the weakness
  18. even the animals feel uneasy in their play
  19. the preacher lick his thick lips libidinously
  20. and the bride cry slowly, accepting her fate and sacrifice. a sour smile: "if he knew what is awaiting…"
  21. and a conclusion: the story teller of this blasphemy will burn in the fire of Hell for his heresy

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Making of: object photography

Since I received complaints about the portraiture "making of", I reduced the number of uploads and avoided posing some portraits candidly shoot this week-end at the "object photograpy" session of the photography course. So don’t blame me for the lack of content :p

Making of: Object photography at Cursphoton

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Grecian Helmet

This week-end at the photography course we did practice on shooting some objects. Since I don’t have at home any interesting [which I didn’t already shoot], I went empty-handed, hoping to find something interesting on the spot and found a bronze reproduction of an ancient Grecian helmet, something ringing home with all the Leonidas based stuff I did lately on the Fedora land. What can I say more? I am quite unhappy with the photos I made: bad focus, bad light, bad framing, but I wasn’t in the mood to try harder… needs some kicks in the pants :p

Object photography: Grecian Helmet

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Screencast: photomanip

To finally put the portrait and its photomanipulation to rest, I feel like a screencast (a video tutorial) is in place.

Note1: the soundtrack is made from freely licensed music by Severed Fifth;

Note2: I have the video available in its original format, at an incredible image quality, but the file is large, too large for what vide sharing sites allows, so I’m looking into the right way to publish it.

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Beyond portraits: photomanipulation

I take seriously the freedom thing so my photos are never photoshoped, they are gimped instead :p So I used GIMP to touch the portrait I made the other day.

A first step was to play with the saturation, the initial colors are a bit too strong and the black and white is not bad at all:

Portrait: photomanipulation

Another interesting operation is to play with cropping and put in the spotlight what you think is the most interesting part of the picture:

Portrait: photomanipulation

And of course, unleash the gimping extravaganza going for a "glossy magazine cover" type of photography: heal the unwanted spots, soften the skin with selective gaussian blur, sharpen the eyes, lips and hair, other important details (the ring in this case) and, why not, alter the color of the eyes and lips. And stop here, while a bit of sanity is still preserved…

Portrait: photomanipulation

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Making of: studio portaits

When doing studio portraits, the other photographer have to get themselves busy and find something to to: snapshots of the surrounding events, a so-called “making of”, a collection of candid, but technically bad, pictures.

Making of: Portraits at Cursphoton

Making of: Portraits at Cursphoton

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Model Me / Me from Hell

In the portrait session of the photography course we had to take in turns photos of our colleagues. And, as a consequence, when asked model for our colleagues. Don’t know if my beard was the reason or maybe the finger showing T-shirt, but I opened the session as a model.

Model Me

I don’t turned into a smoker overnight, the smoke is not from a cigarette behind me, but is coming straight from the Hell (sure!). Now I think I can use as an avatar for my Baldur’s Gate character (maybe after a bit of darkening and pixelation).

me from hell

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Blue eyed blonde Anca in high key portraiture

Sunday was an exciting day at the photography course: we took portraits in the studio, with camera on a tripod and studio lights. Since most of my colleagues did shoots they can’t to at home (low key, dark with strong small lights and big shadows), I went the opposite way, with a high key photographs, for which I asked Anca, a blue eyed blonde colleague, to pose.

Portrait exercise

The main light is quite close to the camera, almost like in fashion portraits, with a second light on the right to ease the shadows and a yellow backlight to give some contour of the hair and make it golden. This photo is touched just a little (saturation, sharpness, a few blemishes removed), will follow later with more photomanipulation (I need time to play with GIMP and try various things).

Studio portrait: Anca

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Obsessed with this week’s homework for the photography course I made a third composition, this time using some AA batteries.


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Balls of steel

After turning the Thinker of Hamangia at various angles, I tried another take at the homework for the photography course and shoot some balls. No, no that kind of balls, but shiny moving balls made from steel.

Balls (of steel)

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This week’s homework assignment for the photography course was to take photos of a subject from 3 different angles. I got the idea to shot a reproduction of the Hamangia Thinker and, as usually, went overboard and selected 6 angles (as the ultimate proof I don’t have self-control).


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Self portrait: Decisions, decisions…

Another self portrait experiment is far from good photography, it is more about the fusion about two type of graphics: photography and illustration. So there is the basic decision, good versus evil. What’s your bet?

Self portrait: decisions, decisions....

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Self portrait: With Toys

My home work for this week at the photography course is a self portrait so I have to experiment with a kind of photos I do rarely (I like to do portraits, not to myself). This is why here the focus is on the toys, the activity, not on my face.

Self portrait: playin' with toys

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