Category: portfolio

On religion and my photos

If there is one thing I try hard to avoid is being a hypocrite, this is why I question myself often. Now is one of those times 🙂

I deeply and sincerely believe religion is evil but I do photography, contributing to things like Wiki Loves Monuments I take and publish a lot of pictures of churches, monasteries and various other religious things and I also take photos at events like weddings and baptisms, where religion is a very important side. I know churches and monasteries are the bulk of historical monuments here (in medieval times very little culture happened in Romania outside the religion) and I know the society make the religious part that important in life events, but still feel a bit uneasy.


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19 reasons

“19 Reasons” by Aromatic Company was one of the spectacles happening in the street at the Bucharest International Theatre Festival, B-FIT. I saw their show twice: one time in the Colțea Square and another time on the Lipscani Street, the pictures are from the second one, where my station point was better.

19 reasons
19 reasons

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Smell the sunflowers

This year the heat is strong and long lasting, all the vegetation has a heavy fight for survival, so it probably was the last opportunity of the year to capture some sunflower pictures.


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Frames of Style, May 2012

After last november I assisted to the Frames of Style first edition, now this fusion event, consisting mainly by fashion, but also including contemporary art, interior design and video art, had a second edition. The first fashion presentation was a collection by Sandra Chira:

frames of style
frames of style

Then followed a collection designed by Sandra Galan:

frames of style
frames of style

The fashion show closed with a collection designed by Irina Irimia and featuring accessories by Ashley Scott:

frames of style
frames of style

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The girl, the oil can and the cars: a SIAMB conclusion

On the SIAMB 2012 grounds I meet my old friend Iulia working for a motor oil company. So we took a vintage-looking motor oil can and took a tour of the entire exhibition place, having a lot of fun, taking some photos, advertising the oil and the cars.


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E..M.M.A. promo shoot

This was a promo shooting for Organizația E.M.M.A., an NGO from Romania that “provides support to families who have experienced the trauma of losing a child and, especially, for those who have lost their baby before it was born”. We took pictures of a kit for preserving the memories of the children, those photos are to be used as a base material for a campaign.


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SIAMB 2012: the luxury

SIAMB is the Bucharest International Auto Moto Salon and it returned in 2012 after a few years of pause and this year it was not only a car show, but it included motorbikes. The location also changed, it took place in Constitution Plaza, in the center of Bucharest.

I start the series of posts with the expected image of an international show: luxury cars, pretty girls, elegant dresses. More to follow 🙂

siamb 2012

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Phoenix, fight, volcanos – fire show

For the Earth hour there was this fire show in the center of Bucharest, near Parliament Palace in the Izvor park by the band called Crispus – it was the first time when I saw them and the spectacle is impressive.


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Indian wedding: beautification

The ceremony happened to the bride’s home so it and the reception after was organised by her family. Two days later it was followed by another reception, this time at the groom’s place, organized by his family. Here’s the bride making herself beautiful for the reception:

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Indian wedding: the fire

The fire has an important role during the wedding ceremony: someone makes a fire, then the groom stand behind the bride, they put some food (cereals I believe) into the fire, they circle around the fire and repeat the operation a few time. It looks like a purification of sorts.

indian wedding

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Shifting Sands + Monarchy @ Coyote

Yesterday Coyote Cafe in Bucharest hosted a metal concert, and while I missed the first band, Redox, I still managed to take pictures of the other two (in the order of appearance), Shifting Sands and Monarchy:

shifting sands
shifting sands

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Alternative 4 / Duncan Patterson

Yesterday Kulturhaus in Bucharest hosted a concert with Alternative 4, the new band formed by Duncan Patterson, who you may know for his activity back in Anathema:

alternative 4

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Noblesse by Ducessa

At Casa Capșa in Bucharest, a new fashion house named Ducessa presented their first collection, Noblesse, something classic, glamourous, vintage:


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The Gobal Battle Of the Bands (GBOB) 2011

Near the end of the last week at Arenele Romane in Bucharest there was a big music event: The Global Battle Of the Bands, or shortly GBOB, where a bunch of bands came to sing, gain exposure and maybe “hit the jackpot”. I attended it only on the semifinals, Thursday and Friday, not also Saturday on the finals, when the bands were the same (well, a subset of), the light better but the placement worse (having to fight for the photo pit with a TV crew, which had priority).


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Abigail website up

Remember my project with Abigail? The CD cover was only part of it, now the second part is public, their website is up and the members page is populated with my pics. Yay!

abigail website

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