Category: portfolio

Red Shoes Pinup

As the title says, a pinup photo with a pain of high heeled red shoes.

red shoes pinup

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Ana are mere

“Ana are mere”, it make no sense if you don’t speak Romanian. Even translating it in English to “Ana has apples” does not make much sense for a post title. It may make more sense when you learn “Ana are mere” is the first phrase kids start learning to read and write in school. It will make more sense after you learn this little girl is named Ana and according to the religious tradition a child can use his name (the name obtained legally in the first days of live) only after baptized.

Ana are mere
Ana are mere
Ana are mere
Ana are mere
Ana are mere

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Maid cosplay from the Otaku convention (with a pinch of J-Rock)


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I teased, I continue now and say it again: stay tuned, there’s more to come.


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Peasant girl

Being at the Village Museum for the photo exhibition opening there was a Dragobete fair and this cute little girl wearing a traditional peasant costume.

peasant girl

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

The Edge of Love

Last week I had the pleasure to work with Irina Irimia, fashion designer, and Raluca Geambasu, model, on a photo session for Irina’s project, called The Edge of Love, which is based on various collages.

irina irimia - the edge of love
preparing for the shooting, Irina in charge of hair and make-up

Is February in Bucharest, so Raluca endured with heroism a cold winter day, but we managed to take a bunch of outside photos with clothes intended for a much warmer weather (anticipating the spring and summer to come).

irina irimia - the edge of love
outside photos, trying to ignore the winter

Finally, Irina edited the photos according with her vision, as collages.

irina irimia - the edge of love

final imaged, as edited by the designer (Irina)

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Event photography portfolio website

It wasn’t planned, just happened to be ready now, but is a cute coincidence to launch my event photography portfolio website on the Valentine’s Day. Maybe is a sign 🙂 But the important thing is, if you need event photography (be it a wedding, an anniversary, corporate event, spectacle or something else), I am open for commission. For the 2013 wedding season start now, is no much time left until the summer! event photography portfolio

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Pork and saukeraut

After in previous posts I may have engrossed some with explicit pictures from traditional pig slaughtering>, is probably the time to show some pleasant-looking pork based food. From Caru’ cu bere in Bucharest (the same place I enjoyed papanași a while ago), here’s what they call, in the English language menu “Romanian pork shank served with pan fried sauerkraut, polenta, horseradish and chili pepper” (ro: ciolan de porc cu varză călită, mămăligă, hrean și ardei iute). This is a serving for two, the dish is large enough.

pork and saukerat

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De Kuyper Cup

Funny looking young bartenders

de kuyper

And cocktails

de kuyper

And a master juggling with bottles, shakers and glasses

de kuyper

And even fancier cocktails

de kuyper

Prepared by better dressed bartenders

de kuyper

And a jury noting their evolution

de kuyper

And more bartenders juggling with bottles, shakers and glasses

de kuyper

And the jury watching their every move

de kuyper

It was De Kuyper Cup Romania, the yearly bartending competition, of course.

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On the ladder

When on a ladder the normal thing to do is to climb it to the top. Hopefully, having fun while doing it.


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Golden Girl

The golden girl is playing into the sunset of a warm autumn day.

golden girl

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Tea time

Nicely flavoured tea and a cake with Belgian chocolate in an exquisite tea house in Bucharest

tea and cake

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jack o' lantern
This year I carved my own squashes (instead of traditional pumpkins used some small gourds), put candles inside, lightened them and then took some photos, of course. I am not into the Halloween stuff, but carving pumpkins is fun.
jack o' lantern

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Metal Crush

Even if titled “party”, Metal Crush was in fact a 3 days metal festival with many bands, around 20 I guess, among which were Akral Necrosis, Infected Rain, Monarcy and Abigail (all pictured below):

metal crush
metal crush
metal crush
metal crush
metal crush

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Korean princess

For the Republic of Korea a somewhat unexpected show happened yesterday at the Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest: Korean artists singing opera. Voices aside (they were great), from a visual point of view the soprano Kim Hanna was a highlight, she looked and acted like an (European) princess.


The show was completed with another soprano, a baritone, two tenors and a piano player, all singing Italian and French opera and a few Korean songs.


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