Day: February 25, 2012

Waving hands

I will end for now the posts with street photos from my Indian travel, but this is not goodbye, there are more photos to show, some illustrating the family life, some illustrating the wedding I attended. And there may be also a surprise 🙂 Let me wave my hand “see you soon!”


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Indian village beauties

It was a holiday that day, they were celebrating the goddess of learning, so we went to the school to observe the ceremonies. The village girls were wearing their nicest clothes, to impress the boys, of course, and going to the girl’s school:

village beauties
village beauties

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Main street

Most of the time spent in India I was in the village of Ukhra, which is, I was told, a large village with about 30000 people (wow! how is that not a city?) which had the marketplace by the sides of the main street. A very busy street, impossible to stay half a minute and get the chance for a proper picture, had to be fast!


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