Day: February 22, 2012

Crossing the Gange

Gange is the biggest river in India and it passes trough the city of Kolkata, so if you go to Kolkata, you very likely will have to cross the river. How? On the bridge or on the boat. Photography is forbidden on their bridges, so I have pictures only from the boat (yes, you can shoot the bridge from the boat). Included here: departure, sailing and landing.


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This bus, seen in Kolkata, made me remember the buses in my country from 80ies , they were close, especially in rural regions, but not that bad


Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.


On the Indian roads I saw many people cycling: some on bicycles, some on tricycles. Some carrying themselves, some carrying goods, some carrying passengers. Some in the village, some in the city, some on the highway. One thing in common: they had pedals 🙂


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The temple

Visiting India, you will inevitably reach at least a temple. In my case, it happened in the morning of the very first day, when we were scouting the location for a later shooting session, so it was brief. I was expected I will return there, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.


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