Day: February 24, 2012

Kids are kids everywhere

The kids were playing near the river, they noticed me, posed a little (in bad light) then ignored me and continued their play (in a better light):


Chilling from play, they took some refreshing coconuts and came again to pose for me, proudly sipping the coconut milk:


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The hermit

Everybody knows you will find hermits in India and I found this guy:


And his unusual house, near the river beach:


Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Railroad slums

Those shacks by the railroad are probably one of the poorest houses I saw on my Indian trip and they are located somewhere in the Kolkata city. I also saw something extremely poor in Mumbai, but I didn’t get the time to walk in that city, what I saw was only from the plane, during the landing and taking-off.


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Beggar monkey

This beggar from Kolkata was not content with 5 rupies, so I took one single snap and that was all. The reality is, I had no change on me, even those rupies were borrowed from a friend (not a wise idea to be in India having only 100USD bills in your wallet).


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