I made myself a little “freelance photographer” badge, holding this title, my full name, an invented serial name, a photo and, of course, contact data, which I am lately wearing when shooting at public events, hoping will decrease the chance I get asked who am I. Not sure about the target audience, but so far quite a few photographers liked it and asked for one.

Since I was asked and because sharing is caring, I decided to share the design freely. As I do almost all my illustration and DTP work with Inkscape, the badge was made with Inkscape too, the canonical source is in SVG format.

I understand many photographers are not into illustration and may not know/want to edit a vector file, so I rasterized it and transformed into a GIMP layered (.xcf) file, for those who fancy that (I use GIMP for my photo editing needs):

Since I understand most of the photographers are unfortunately still locked in the Adobe world, I went to the extra-mile, used “Save As” from GIMP to produce a Photoshop (.psd) version. This is untested, since I do not have any installed, nor I want to.

Feel free to use it in any way you want, but don’t forget to add a photo, and to edit your name and contact info (web and mail). Also, put a random digit string as serial number.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.