Category: weddings

Weddings: Crying bride

Revisiting some unpublished photos from 3 years ago at the Indian wedding. The then crying bride is now a happy mother of a cute baby girl.

crying bride

Event photography website

The 2015 season for event photography is approaching fast, those who are not ready for it, should get soon. As part of my preparations, I updated my event photography website with a new, simpler and more beautiful design and, more important, with current sample photos. Have a look and if you like what you see, we can talk, maybe I can make you an interesting photography offer.

event photography

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Printed photo books

They always look more impressive when printed on paper

printed photo books

Prints everywhere

Printed photo book album sample, small format, still pig pictures. A nice and classy budget option.

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Photo book albums

The general wisdom says photos look more impressive when printed, here’s a sample of the photo book albums I can do for an event like a wedding. That’s a service offered on top of the shooting and I am open for reservations. If interested, contact me for an in-depth talk, a quotation or more samples.

photo book albums

Daniela and Bogdan

There in some little time left until their wedding, but Daniela and Bogdan are almost ready for their big day.

marriage wedding
marriage wedding
marriage wedding

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Advertising: event photography

If so far I flirted with event photography, this year I am getting serious in this, showing how it can be done in a professional manner. From the various types of events, from corporate to anniversaries and ceremonies, the wedding are the most important and their season is closing fast, clients should waste no time in booking the services, as soon many photographers will be fully loaded. Preparing for this year’s season, I launched a few weeks ago an event photography website targeting weddings, baptisms, anniversaries, corporate events, spectacles and such. There is also this set of posters, sampling some of my works and capabilities.

wedding photography
wedding photography
wedding photography

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Event photography portfolio website

It wasn’t planned, just happened to be ready now, but is a cute coincidence to launch my event photography portfolio website on the Valentine’s Day. Maybe is a sign 🙂 But the important thing is, if you need event photography (be it a wedding, an anniversary, corporate event, spectacle or something else), I am open for commission. For the 2013 wedding season start now, is no much time left until the summer! event photography portfolio

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Bucharest Artist Photographer Salon 2013

Saturday at F64 in Bucharest we opened Salonul Artiștilor Fotografi din București (Bucharest Artist Photographer Salon), the third edition. It will stay there for a couple of weeks, so you can see our pictures there – 32 photographers are represented.


As you can see in the re-enactment above (pic made by Carmen), my picture is a moment from an Indian wedding, shoot last year in Kolkata when my friend got married (I only hope his wife, Anwesha, is not mad at me for the selection).


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Oltenian bride

It seems like the wedding photographers in Târgu Jiu have as one of the favorite places for their “artistic” session the walking area in the center of the city, perhaps they are bored by the cliche of using Brâncuși’s Kiss Gate.


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Indian wedding: the feet washing

The very last tradition in the Indian wedding I witnessed, just before the husband and wife are allowed together for the first time it was the ceremony where she had to was his feet. In their culture feet are considered unclean, and doing this is the sign of great humility. A good part of the groom’s family assisted.

And with this the wedding ceremonies ended, it was the time for the photographer to go away 🙂

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the big night

Finally, two days after ceremony (one of which they were not allowed to even see each other) and after the last reception, the bride and the groom had their first night together. In a special room, with a richly decorated bed. But before that, she was received by her father-in-law.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the session

If in the western world the “official” photo session with the bride and the groom is a must and the bride may kill the photographer if she doesn’t get her pictures with the bridal dress, I discovered that some Indian brides are not the same, in this case she didn’t want photos… and made it in the most Indian way, not saying “no” but “yes” and then avoiding it in various ways.

In fact this is the thing that annoyed me the most in my Indian experience, people there won’t say you a firm “no”, they consider it disrespectful, they will say “yes”, “maybe”, “later” or “we’ll see” and then try to do everything to avoid it. They don’t know this is even more disrespectful for us, Westerners, who prefer a straight “yes” or “no” and then keeping your word. This may be the cause for some of our cultural conflicts.

So, back to the topic: we had the “official” photo session planned for a full morning in a park, then it was moved for something short in the evening at the temple, then for something even shorter at house on the roof, then it didn’t happen, all we did was a few shoots at the reception place.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the reception

The groom’s reception was like the bride’s reception: people come, eat and go, leaving the place open for the next round of guests to come, eat and go… This allowed for a high turnover of guests… if I recall correctly they were expecting around 800 people.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the shine

Is a long process for the bride to make herself beautiful but the result is showing, after all the preparations (make-up, hair style, clothes, jewelry) she was really shining.

indian bride

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