Category: portfolio

A kind of Leia

The model in this wedding fashion show has a very iconic hair arrangement

a kind of leia

Bridal atmosphere

A very bridal atmosphere, with dresses, model, decorations, fast and everything else.

bridal atmosphere

The Pirate Princess

Just an ordinary day in the life of a Pirate Princess

the pirate princess

The wait

The lights are on, the cookies are fresh and the milk is warm, Santa can come any moment now.

Santa is coming to town

By this time, Santa should be ready to begin his trip around the world.

santa is coming to town

Still life with flowers and pumpkins

Autumnal still life photography with a vase of seasonal flowers and various pumpkins and squashes.

Still life with flowers and pumpkins

Little imp

Little imp is getting ready for the Halloween with a bit of mischief

little imp

Little witch is having fun

Halloween is close, so the kids have a lot of fun with pumpkins and scary stories.

little witch is having fun

Bowl of squashes

I find the autumn colors to be fascinating, so I made a series of images with such colors. Now, a bowl full of squashes.

bowl of squashes

Star girl

Children have to dream of stars, space and fantasy

Autumn still

Autumnal still life with leaves, fruits and wine

autumn still

The magic of books

The fantasy land is the book land

the magic of books

Reading books with friends

The book, the girl and her friends, all in the land of magic and fairy tales.

reading books with friends

Girl and book

The girl and hers book: a world of magic.

girl and book

Weddings: Unforgettable

There are things in life that are not to be forgotten easily

weddings: unforgettable