Category: celebrities

Looking at you looking at my panties…

If I read this photo correctly, her eyes say she was fully aware what shot I was trying to take, but her smile say she has no problem with that! Thank you very much 😀 Want to see a video with her singing?


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Balade din Carpati

One of the concerts I saw at Bucharest Days was “Balade din Carpati” (“Carpathian Ballads”) by K1 and Felicia Filip: not sure what was their target with such an interesting combination of modern, classic and traditional music, maybe they wanted to cash in on the Nightwish success, maybe they were awed by Therion or something else… the point is: it was interesting but to use a well known expression: “close, but no cigar”.

First of all, I should acknowledge the sound system in the street was total crap (it was crap also a night before when Mircea Baniciu performed together with Vladi Cnejevici, and that was folk music, where everyone knew the songs), so the experience was far from optimal.


First of all, the K1 band cannot hide its roots in a boy bad: they sing, move and dace like a boy band and this is ….bleah. They were the lowest point of the show, their dance stuff destroy all the symphonic metal stuff.

Then the “story teller”, Vlad Radescu, he can’t hold a candle to Christopher Lee in Symphony of Enchanted Lands II by Rhapsody of Fire. But, honestly, who can hold a candle to Saruman? He do not even tried: no cavernous voice, no magic, no nothing. I do not care about the joyful voice of a bald guy.

Felicia Filip did her best, she is a great soprano with an amazing voice, no complaint about her.

What I think was the highlight of the show was Cornelia Tihon, she is really great with the Pan flute (and other woodwind instruments, like regular flute or tulnic, she also has some extraordinary legs and is not afraid to show them on stage.


I will hold a final conclusion until I hear a show in better acoustic conditions (YouTube is full of recorded clips from various concerts, do a search and apply your own judgement), but my initial bias is not very positive, I was disappointed.

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Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

It took a while since I promised more photos from Eroshow and they are only a few, I was little motivated by the unexpectedly weak reaction after the first set.

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

I will follow with some portraits and still pondering about pussies (yeah, there are some of those too).

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Ziua Mamelor de Ingeri, Bucharest, 2009

Bucharest is a relatively peaceful city, with not many interesting opportunities for photojournalism (boring photojournalism is …boring), so I am not trained at that and when I get to take such shoots, like here at "Ziua Mamelor de Ingeri" ("Angel’s Mothers Day"), where I was invited by Bianca Brad, I take mostly portraits and candids, what I know and what I like.

Ziua mamelor de ingeri: looking up Ziua mamelor de ingeri: tears

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Bebelusele at SMAEB

You can’t have a good motor show without sexy celebrities and you can’t have a bike salon in Bucharest without Bebelușele, it would not be the same without them. They are beautiful and a pleasure for any photographer (even if this time they were places in a horrible spot with bad light coming from behind so you had to do mostly "contre jours".

SMAEB 2009: Babes an Bikes SMAEB 2009: Babes an Bikes

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Disco at sub-zero level: Nuage

More from the Christmas set: the Nuage disco band singing at sub-zero temperature at Piata Unirii in Bucharest. Probably not the best place and time for their music, but I guess that place and time were not very good for any kind of music (unless you visited, like me, a nearby stand for a big glass of hot boiled wine):

Christmas 2008: Christmas concert - Nuage

Christmas 2008: Christmas concert - Nuage

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