Year: 2011

Ana Bella in the park

In the park, shooting for a portraiture project I will talk more at a later date, we had the time for some general shoots too, in the very summer style: roses, vaporous dresses, green:

ana bella

ana bella

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Last Sunday something new happened in the “Lia Manoliu” park: the first Haramichi meet in Romania and once I learned about it, i had to meet that fun group of kids:


And take some pictures of their colored costumes:

Hopefully, see you next week for the largest second edition!

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To the Livadă

I was reluctant to participate to the Livada de fotografii, my first reaction was “my photos are not intended for exhibitions” and my laziness is king: why bother digging trough so many photos? So I decided not to participate.

The other day I changed my mind: I can visit it, and if I go there, I can display some photos too, printing 10 of them is cheap enough, less than a couple of beers. Got the idea for a couple of themes, decided for one of them (involving people kissing in the city’s parks), but when I opened the storage to search for them, remembered some I wanted were on the lost card and was put down again by laziness and an unrelated depression.

Some late night chats made me change my mind again: if in the morning I am apt enough, select some photos and print them. Since the quest for the main idea proved futile, the second one kicked in: cold buildings, shot from a wide angle… quite boring and unoriginal.

The morning wasn’t good at all: the life is a really dark gray, the beacons of light far enough and unreachable. But still went to select a mix, not the indented one but a spaghetti of unrelated pictures. Asked a friend for a reality check and to the print shop!

Well, it was a bad day for printing 🙂 Asked my boss for permission to go put and print, then on the route remembered I forgot to add a signature. Heck, I am not egomanical enough, so I can live without a signature, continue.

The closest print shop is the one I am trying to avoid, since I had some unpleasant experiences with them, but I am during the work hours and they are the closest, so I go there. Refreshing news: their printer is not working (again! that was my years old problem with them too). OK, nice not having business with you again, see you later (probably never).

There is another print shop not far, but I have to search for it, a few minutes found! Ask for prints, the clerk says “but we don’t have glossy paper, only matte”… since the next shop is too far away I accept. Then “but our printer is performing some tests, will take 15-20 minutes”. OK, what to do, accept it again.

20 minutes was enough to time to go back to the office, breath a couple of times and go back! He way expecting me with the prints and they came decent. People, see you to the Livada!

print photos

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Cîrnați de Pleșcoi

Shooting at the volcanoes is nice and exciting, but it won’t keep the hunger away. Travelling trough beautiful landscapes is also nice and exciting, but it also won’t keep the hunger away. You need real food for that. And as the volcanoes are located in the Buzău county, what is more appropriate than Pleșcoi sausages (cîrnați de Pleșcoi)? And plenty of them, eat until you can’t eat more and then eat some more 😀

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On the route to the volcanoes, we passed trough beautiful countryside: fields of red poppies, green grass with tiny white daisies, it was a beautiful summer day:

filed of poppies

filed of poppies

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To the volcanoes

This weekend, together with a group of friends, I was on a trip to the famous mud volcanoes in Buzău county:

mud volcano

We were a lot of photographers and some models, so it was the time and place for an extended photo session
glamour at the volcano

glamour at the volcano

glamour at the volcano

glamour at the volcano

glamour at the volcano

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Fly, fly, little butterlfy!

If soemthign is appropriate for the Children’s Day today, this must be it: the cute butterfly flying over the grassy field.


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Little Prince

Not totally a coincidence of me posting about a marionette play today on Children’s Day, but it was a spectacle for everyone. Last week I attended at UNATC a Little Prince spectacle.

little prince

We were allowed to take photos, since is was not a real spectacle, a group of drama students were preparing their graduation with this play and needed public to get used with real spectacles.
little prince

It was a combination: for the most past a marionette and 3 actors, with a few “dream” scenes played in a more traditional marionette play fashion. An interesting experience.
little prince

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Crimson city

At times I may be positive towards it, but there are also many cases when I hate this shitty city, like yesterday evening when returning home I witnessed such a beautiful sunset, only to have the city obstructing my views and ruining the scenery.


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For everything is a first time and for me last week-end was the first time shooting at a weeding, a new and exciting experience. It had also plenty of fun.

To my advantage, I was the second photographer, leaving on the shoulder of my friend Dee all the serious and classic stuff, having for me the freedom to do anything I wanted, so I put the wide lenses on and tried most of the time extreme and crazy angles.

It was also useful that the bride and the groom are my friends, we had good interaction, and as photographers they understood my needs.







If you wonder, yes, this was the reason for me visiting Râșnov and eating sarmale 🙂

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Papa bun!

When talking about traditional Romanian food, there are basically two very known options: mititei and sarmale (there are some other dishes, but those two are simply the most known). Since I talked earlier about mici, now is the time for sarmale: minced meat rolled in pickled cabbage leaves, served with sour cream, mămăliga, some smoked meat and hot peppers. Red wine on the side, of course!


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The summer of poppies

Near the end of May, is almost summer here, the time of the summer flowers. And you don’t need to go too far, fields of poppies are also inside the city (if you know where to look for them, of curse):



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Râșnov citadel

The Râșnov citadel in pretty much in ruins, but still some parts of it are somewhat functional, like this little alley leading to a couple of souvenir shops. Too bad for the modern ice-cream sign, otherwise one may have a medieval feeling.


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Counter-Strike, map level: Moara lui Assan

This was a Counter-Strike themed shooting that happened at the ruins of Moara lui Assan (Assan’s Mill) in Bucharest. The weather was far from the best, with rain and clouds, resuling in very bad light, but we did all we could… and I think the result is not entirely bad.




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Tuning show 2011

In the past years I visited the tuning show and came back here with some photos, now in 2011 the title and the organizers changed, but the show happened again and I was there too. Still havind a large backlog on unprocessed photos, but I can put here some highlights:

tuning show tuning show tuning show

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