Year: 2011

We love ice cream

Of course we love ice cream, don’t you too? The only question is: cocoa, vanilla or both?

ice cream

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History mismatch

Two nazi soldiers and a MiG 15 in the background, that’s quite a history mismatch surprised in the backyard of the Military Museum of Bucharest for the “museum day”, when the access was open, demos and parades with old costumes happened. And they had beas from the cauldron, military style!

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Make love, not war

There is no war, the tanks are sitting at the Military Museum for decades, the vegetation conquered them. Still, the love part is lacking to a great degree…


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Air Show on Lacul Morii

Saturday with a few friends I attended a show with boats and airplanes on Lacul Morii in Bucharest. From my point of view, the most spectacular part was the finale, with those planes and their smoggy trains, drawing on the sky.

air show air show air show air show

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This year I spent my May Day holiday with a few friends in Vamă, which is pretty much a Romanian tradition. Unfortunately the weather was totally uncooperative, my mood not the best and didn’t have the full gear (is not the place for that). Overall, it was an experience:

vama vama vama

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The Easter Bunny

The rule of this photography blog is to post pictures made by myself… today is a rare exception, with pictures of myself… Sunday, the Easter day, I was out in the city with a few photographer friends, I was prepared having with me a pair of bunny ears and when the gang saw them, they dared me to wear the ears trough the city and… I did so 🙂 Here are some pics taken by them:

Flori Jianu saw the “sexy bunny”:

easter bunny

Alin Dima the “cute one”:

easter bunny

Marian Nedelcu the “dangerous one”:

easter bunny

And Nick Constandache the “bunny in love” (with his own shadow…):

easter bunny

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Painted eggs / me bad atheist?

Thursday before the Orthodox Easter, is the day when traditionally people paint the eggs for Easter around here. I am not sure if this makes me a bad atheist, but I am posting a picture with some painted eggs from the flowers day festival this year. Shoot me 🙂

painted eggs

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Cats? Let’s try chickens!

I know I kind of promised cat photos, so I had to execute… good luck finding this hidden guy 🙂

hidden cat

But I think I like way better this chicken picture, so I’ll throw it in the mix too:

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Cherry blossom at Muzeul Satului

It looks like I did everything at Flowers Day (Florii) in the Village Museum (Muzeul Satului), from glamourous shoots, to traditional masters interviews, to children portraiture to fun photos and cat photos (yes, I did that too), except the very thing I was there in the first place: cherry blossom pictures. Wrong! I did that too 🙂

And as it was the tulips season, I did also tulip pictures:

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Little ones at Florii in Muzeul Satului

Traditional masters? Rural glamour? Of course! But there were also a lot of little ones, both in the show and the audience:

little one little one
little one little one little one

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I love candy

They surely do love candy 🙂

candy candy

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Rural glamour

When you have it in your blood, you can’t stop, you have to make this type of photography, so even if a Flowers Day at Village Museum didn’t seem like the place for it, I managed to see those girls taking each other photos with a small compact, stepped in and helped with my gear:

rural glamour rural glamour rural glamour rural glamour

To me the costumes looked genuine, the girls cute and natural, the setting perfect, so I got myself a little shooting. Joy!

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Tradition masters

Sunday was Flowers Day (Florii), the last Sunday before the Easter and the Village Museum (Muzeul Satului) in Bucharest hosted a big event, with traditional art, music, spectacles and such. Being a really beautiful spring day, I couldn’t resist and was there with the camera in my hand: rustic houses, people in traditional costumes and blossoming cherry trees… what you can ask for more? (wait the next couple of posts for more…)

There I meet Gheorghe Ciobanu, an amazing guy: he is a peasant naive painter who talk with passion about his art, we had a short but delightful conversation about the purpose of art, he also gave me hid “internet number”, where I can see a gallery with his works. Recommended.

gheorghe ciobanu

He had there a lot of idyllic paintings about nature, flowers, spirituality, village life and so on. When leaving, I saw on a fence a lot of paintings with strong sexual connotations, also part of the traditional rural live, I guess. I love his guy and his work (and there is more such stuff on his website.
gheorghe ciobanu

Another highlight of an interesting person I meet there is Veturia Suciu, an old lady who does sewing. Seeing my photo camera she asked from which TV station am I, we talked a bit, she told be about her being at sunset and how is she would have a sunrise would be able to create more.

veturia suciu

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And SMAEB 2011 it was…

And the bike salon SMAEB 2011 happened this year… despite a massive data loss (still didn’t recover the pictures made in the first day, the memory card is not cooperating, my hopes are smaller and smaller), I still have some pictures to share:

smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb

Thank you all!

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Cliché : the cat

Do you shrug when seeing yet another wannabe photographer attacking one of those over-used topics like kittens, children, flowers, sunsets and such? If you still have hope, let me destroy it with a cliché cat picture:


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