Category: cleavage


Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master


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Should I say more?


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Skin in black and white

I like colors, like them a lot, rarely do black and white photos (at least when I am not required by an exibition), so enjoy this exception:


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Pole dance

November. We are approaching winter, is colder and colder outside, let’s warm-up a little with some hot pole dancing photos:

pole dancer
pole dancer
pole dancer
pole dancer
pole dancer
pole dancer
pole dancer

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Fashion on the beach

Among the many things that happened in Vama Veche was a day with fashion photography. It started with a studio session:




And continued with an outside session, on the beach, near a stage with rock music (death metal!):



For the day to be complete, in-between was time for some street-fashion play:

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More Mino, More Assan

In case you liked the photos with Mino at Moara lui Assan, here are some more of them, enjoy!

mino assan

mino assan mino assan

mino assan

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Tuning show 2011

In the past years I visited the tuning show and came back here with some photos, now in 2011 the title and the organizers changed, but the show happened again and I was there too. Still havind a large backlog on unprocessed photos, but I can put here some highlights:

tuning show tuning show tuning show

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And SMAEB 2011 it was…

And the bike salon SMAEB 2011 happened this year… despite a massive data loss (still didn’t recover the pictures made in the first day, the memory card is not cooperating, my hopes are smaller and smaller), I still have some pictures to share:

smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb smaeb

Thank you all!

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Providing shiny since… June 2008

The Romanian word for shine is luciu, so for shiny things what else can I show better than Luciu sisters’ cleavages? …from a wedding dresses fashion parade offered by Sabres Fashion House.

luciu luciu
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Fruit bonanza? Delicious!

The girls from Trupa Vogue preparing for a fruit dance (samba). It looks delicious, right? The fruits, of course! But don’t try to eat them, behave!

vogue fruits vogue fruits
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Delivering: more Carmen photos

Keeping my promises is almost like a religion for me but I also am lazy (no point in denying it) so form time to time is useful when my friends push me to deliver, I promised more photos of Carmen, so here they are:

carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen

And of course thanks to all my readers who voted for her, you are good readers and I will try to give you content to your liking.

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Vote for Carmen

Carmen is a beautiful model and I was fortunate to work with her a couple of times in the past, now she needs a vote. Below are a few of my photos with her, but on the vote page there are some you will probably like more (they are more revealing 😀 – I bet you’ll like those!)

Let me try to encourage my readers: if you vote for her and if she wins, I promise to post more photos from the sets below, so what are you waiting for? Go now and vote for Carmen.

carmen carmen

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Sunglasses vote

Is summer out there, the sun is hot and bright, we search for protection by wearing sunglasses. This is why I propose today a fun exercise, look at those photos featuring sunglasses I took recently and try to vote which one you like the best. The sunglasses, not the models :D, in fact that’s I find interesting, the people’s ability to disconnect the models (and their cleavages!) from the things they wear.

sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses

For now, I will abstain myself from the vote, don’t want to influence my readers and their vote in any way.

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Miss Menfest 2010

The second topic I was owing my readers was the Sunday shooting, at Menfest, for which I will try a backwards approach. Because I am odd.

So the show ended with what probably was its most interesting part: a Miss contest, where the winner received a shooting session at the FHM magazine (here the winners are one step in front of the group):

miss menfest

A last trial before the jury selected the winner was a talent competition… al the contestants were too shy (???) to do something, except two (from eleven), who both danced:
miss menfest miss menfest

Prior to that, all the bunch was aligned for inspection (and our eyes were inspecting, as deeply as they could):
miss menfest

But of course, our eyes started doing this from before they climbed the stage ans were (probably) still friends with each other:
miss menfest

And, finally, to go backwards all the way, here’s the winner back when winning was just a hope in her heart:
miss menfest

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Sexy Fedora no-shirt

After in the first session I persuaded Andreea to do a good thing for the community and pose with a Fedora T-shirt (first dry and then wet) – and she rightfully was proclaimed a Geek Goddess for that, here is the continuation, where she takes her shirt off (warning: potentially NSFW!) and replaces it with some temporary Fedora tattoos:

sexy fedora

Sexy, right? If before that she was a goddess, now what? what title can top that? (or those 😀 – no, we don’t want those topped, we like them as they are)
sexy fedora

And, of course, we had a lot of fun in the process, everyone was happy, not only the viewer, Linux is not a boring server thing, it can be playful too:
sexy fedora

I hope you liked this photo session (see the full gallery) just as much I did, now time for thanks: thanks to Andreea for being a beautiful and cooperative model, thanks to Alex for helping with the shooting and thanks to Tatica for being supportive and helping with the editing, it was the teamwork of 4 people from 3 cities and 2 continents.