Category: cleavage

Sexy Fedora T-shirt

In less of a couple of hours today is the release for Fedora 13 and specially for this event I am putting out a few sexy pics with a beautiful girl wearing the classic I <3 fedora T-shirt (stay tuned for the second part next week, when the shirt will come of!). Right from the bat, it should be noted Aneska is a professional model and I, the photographer, have the full rights to use the pictures.

sexy fedora shirt

And all is not about looks, she is quite a geek: doing photography and photo editing playing good computer games (Baldur’s Gate, if you can believe!) and also having heard what Linux is… it was easy for me to explain what Fedora is, by telling it is something similar with Ubuntu. Her boyfriend (yes, she has a boyfriend, I can hear now millions of geek hearts being broken and suddenly silenced), also photographer, knew Fedora by name (well… he knew it as “Fedora Core”, bad for me for not having a Live image with me) and have tried once Ubuntu on his desktop… he was unhappy with the software (troubles of installing proprietary nVidia drivers) but amazed by the helpful community (I owe now a beer to some unknown guy from the Romanian Ubuntu community).
sexy fedora shirt sexy fedora shirt

We touched just briefly in the talk the topic about women and technology, their lack of involvement… I feel this is something worth revisiting at a later date, as she can provide useful insight on it – I expect a point of view radically different to the extremist hate groups driven by the USian politically correctness, prudity and hypocrisy.

Anyway, she will read the comments, being genuinely interested in the people feedback about this photoshoot, so please leave feedback in the comments, it will be read.

sexy fedora shirt

I also have to make today and exception from my rule, I believe in Freedom and use the CC-BY-SA license as much as I can, but in this case the rule is the photos can’t be used in a way that will damage the model image/reputation, so let’s consider them also under a “Non Derivatives” (ND) clause. However, she wants to see them used, so if you make a wallpaper from them, feel free to post a screenshot for her.

…and don’t forget to visit and pass forward the URL of the entire gallery. And wait for the second part, is hot.

Update: The second part is up.

I am sick

A few days ago I got a little nasty cold (WTF? I survived the swine flu pandemic, the -20° freeze in the winter but this long awaited spring was too much). But I can tell you why people get ill: is because the doctors/nurses are busy with sexy things like this:


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Defining sexiness

I am sure all of you are familiar with this posing “with my lips puckered like that, I think I am sexy but I am not”:


Certainly, I know some guys who think it is sexy, but your humble photographer prefers by far a honest, plain smile:

And forgetting about sexiness, from a photography point of view, dynamism is a healthy dose of fresh air:

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Twins in cars

Unrelated to the talk about cars and cleavages, I feel like jumping at how happy twins are expected to behave in a car.


And even the hood is happy being treated like that:

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Cleavage troubles

Driving (fake driving anyway), do you see any trouble with that? I don’t… or maybe just one more half of centimeter missing.


However, someone else seems to have a problem with it, she does not like what she see or what? I already decided nothing is wrong there.

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Paint my body and make it green

Still busy trying to get on top of the photos from 4tuning, but I feel like keeping the interest up with another preview that I’m sure will make plenty of guys coming back for updates:

body paint

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Black versus White

As anticipated here is the fruit of the photo session over the week-end with Irina. Lacking a better name, I titled it after the colors she was wearing, "Black versus White".

She was really nice, the location was OK, it lacked only a power source, so without the ability to use my gear fully, the light was less than perfect and the photos suffered. I suck.

white black

So the place didn’t have power, but it had really big windows… still the day was cloudy, the light was not enough so I used a portable flash with my biggest portable softbox during the entire White set (it was the first).

Later, when shooting the Black set the sun appeared so part of this set has less portable flash and better light. Next time I must use some proper lights, not just uselessly carry them with me.

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In the land of the bosomy bosom

As a "respectable" photographer I naturally enjoy seeing a beautiful cleavage, be it on street or at a fashion show, so the past week-end at Expo Mariaj I couldn’t stop admiring the abundance and a famous Seinfeld quote came to mind "… And by the way…they’re real, and they’re spectacular." Can’t vouch for the "real" party, as unfortunately I didn’t get the opportunity to touch them, but "spectacular" indeed they were.

cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage cleavage

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My bad joke is like: if her name is not Enache already, it should be. Laptaria lu’ Enache. Sorry, but I think she its impressive and I believe all natural. +1.

I tried hard to get the best shot, so hard that in the end I got noticed, which reduced the "candid" impact. So is life… too many people crossing the road, not enough chanced for a clear shot.

Summer in the city

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Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

It took a while since I promised more photos from Eroshow and they are only a few, I was little motivated by the unexpectedly weak reaction after the first set.

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

Eroshow 2009: the pornstars

I will follow with some portraits and still pondering about pussies (yeah, there are some of those too).

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Eroshow 2009: photos galore

Of course I couldn’t miss the opportunity to shoot at the 2009 edition of Eroshow, the yearly erotic show in Bucharest. Since I have thousands of photos, it will take a while to select and publish, so the event will be covered by a few (many?) posts. I’ll start slowly with photos from the booths. Of course there were some slutty girls in there, giving you a flyer, showing a boob, selling a dildo, getting customers:

Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes

Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes

But surprisingly there were some excessively cute babes as well, with an innocent look, almost like out-of place in there:

Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes

Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes Eroshow 2009: floor and booth babes

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Boat Show

Pretty much unhappy with the shooting at the boat show, the babes there, compared with a car or bikes show, are fewer, uncooperative and less hot (this is the second time I learn this this year). On top of this the sun was strong, really bad for photography, so many of the girls had sunglasses covering their eyes or large hats shadowing their faces, so it was a struggle to get something.

Boat Show: Driving the boat

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Portraits in contrast

There are various types of faces to show in a portrait photography, and everyone has his own preference: some prefer a "honest" trampy look, fantasizing about the possibilities, which in such cases may appear more realistic:

Portrait Portrait

and some prefer the illusion of innocence, even if that is only a façade and they know it, fantasizing even more:

Portrait Portrait

…and all of them are beautiful. Of course I have my own preferences, but I shoot and post all, trying to not make them obvious… what are yours?

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SMAEB+4tuning: pantyshots galore

Beautiful girls? Check. Nice legs? Check. Minuscule skirts? Check. Sitting on cars or bikes? Check. Trying a sexy pose? Check. An unscrupulous photographer? Check. The use of a flash unit to add needed light to the shadowed areas? Check.

The result? An interesting number of pantyshots. Still debatable if they are candid or not, but this is unimportant.

SMEB+4tuning: the pantyshots SMEB+4tuning: the pantyshots

SMEB+4tuning: the pantyshots SMEB+4tuning: the pantyshots

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The girls of SMAEB and 4tuning

Another large post with photos from the bikes and tuning salons, this time more focused on girls, with good looking portraits. Enjoy.

The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning

The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning

The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning

The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning

The girls from SMAEB and 4tuning

I have in the queue more portraits, taken even closer, but you’ll have to wait a couple of days until then, tomorrow we’ll talk about panties.

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