Category: weddings

Indian wedding: the beauty

Anywhere a wedding happens, may it be India, Europe, the Americas, no matter where, there is a thing in common: the very center of the ceremony is the bride and her beauty. So was the case here too, we had a beautiful bride, with a beautiful dress, in a beautiful location.

indian wedding beauty

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Indian wedding: the groom

As there can’t be a wedding with no bride, it also can’t be one with no groom. So while she was doing her job on her room, receiving guests, accepting presents, posing, he was doing the same in his own room, on his own throne, just a floor below.

indian groom

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Indian wedding: the bride

There can’t be a wedding with no bride, she is essential part of the ceremony. She was here on a throne, waiting for the big moment, receiving the guests, posing with them, accepting presents, smiling. In a word, doing her job.

indian bride

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Indian wedding: the road

Since the bride was in a different city (about 200 km away) and the main ceremony was happening at her place, the groom side travelled in a convoy. Of course, a car was standing out, the one carrying the groom. Its decoration reminded me a bit about the car decorations in a Romanian wedding, but were more excessive.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the presents

The groom’s family prepared a lot of presents for the bride and her family. They were decorated by a specialist, a guy who does wedding present packaging for a living, then sent away, Of course, the bride’s family did the same, sending its own batch of presents. This exchange happened the day before the main wedding ceremony.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the preparations

This turmeric based powder she is making here is used as an ingredient in many of the ceremonies around the wedding. It is also used for color and as spice for the curry 🙂 This operation happened at the groom’s house and was one of the first, it definitely was the first I attended too.

indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the glamour and behind it

So I had the opportunity to attend and shoot an Indian wedding, a rare opportunity which is very little likely to repeat. What would you expect from one: glamour or misery? Gods or people? I give your for the beginning a pair of pics: the hands and the feet of the bride when she wad ready for the big ceremony.

indian wedding
indian wedding

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Trash the Dress in Vama Veche

Photography wise, the wedding is a first step, it should better continue with trashing the dress, as I did last week in Vama Veche, at the sea side, with my friends Andeea and Alex.

trash the dress

trash the dress

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For everything is a first time and for me last week-end was the first time shooting at a weeding, a new and exciting experience. It had also plenty of fun.

To my advantage, I was the second photographer, leaving on the shoulder of my friend Dee all the serious and classic stuff, having for me the freedom to do anything I wanted, so I put the wide lenses on and tried most of the time extreme and crazy angles.

It was also useful that the bride and the groom are my friends, we had good interaction, and as photographers they understood my needs.







If you wonder, yes, this was the reason for me visiting Râșnov and eating sarmale 🙂

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Lady Champagne

She smiles at you 🙂 too bad for the backdrop however…


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Published…. Expo Ideal Mariaj 2011

A few of my photos from the Expo Ideal Mariaj wedding fair in January 2011 are published on their website, complete with the URL of this blog 🙂 6 photos in total, covering the fair floor and presentations, a bit of photojournalism:

ideal mariaj 2011

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Providing shiny since… June 2008

The Romanian word for shine is luciu, so for shiny things what else can I show better than Luciu sisters’ cleavages? …from a wedding dresses fashion parade offered by Sabres Fashion House.

luciu luciu
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Delivering: more Carmen photos

Keeping my promises is almost like a religion for me but I also am lazy (no point in denying it) so form time to time is useful when my friends push me to deliver, I promised more photos of Carmen, so here they are:

carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen
carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen

And of course thanks to all my readers who voted for her, you are good readers and I will try to give you content to your liking.

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Sexy photographers

No matter how I pose and what I pretend, I know well and won’t try to deny what not I am: a sexy photographer. But what I can do is acknowledge and show you some: no matter how small their cameras are and how often used, by simply using them they are “photographer” and as for the “sexy” part… you tell who is sexier, the model or the photographer (hint: they take turns, so…)

sexy photographer sexy photographer sexy photographer sexy photographer

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Ghidul Miresei 2010 – a weddings fair

Was the wait long enough? Were you able to endure it? The photos from the Ghidul Miresei weddings fair are up… in the following days I will probably follow with a few higlights.

ghidul miresei

I know there really are a lot of photos, but the girls asked for many pictures so being lazy I dumped the entire selection on the web (and still not as many as they wanted, forgive me girls!).

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