Category: street

No to fundamentalism

One of the attractions at Femei pe Mătăsari was a run in high heels, at which everyone was accepted (including guys) with a single condition: to wear high heels. Not even the height was an issue, participants were split in groups based on the heel size.

high heels

In the middle of this was also a small group of feminist fundamentalists, protesting and calling such thing “sexist”. They were a few and people pretty much ignored them, initially I didn’t even thought about taking a picture of their group, but when noticed I accidentally have one changed my mind, better talk about issues than keeping them covered.

high heels

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Hipsters on Matasari

If the premier hipster event in Bucharest is Street Delivery, there had to be a copycat, that’s what hipsters do, copy the “alternative” things. Happening only a week after, Femei pe Mătăsari (Women on Matasari) has pretty much the same feel with Street Delivery, many of the booths are in both places, still this one is more commercial, there are a lot of sellers offering their hand-made wares, from clothes to earrings to cupcakes. At they don’t even have beer, only radler.


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It quickly became the most common fast food around here after its introduction a few years ago, you practically can find shawarma anywhere in the city. When talking about something you have to eat in a hurry and keep you full, we pretty much forgot our mititei and skipped over hamburgers and hot dogs, directly to shawarma.


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Caragiale and us

Last weekend in the evening we passed trough the Old City when I remembered about the Caragiale festival taking place there in the streets. The festival opened just a few days before and a detour was in order to see what is about, but in the way to it we encountered this couple, going in the same direction (they looked at the play less than one minute and left) – they were perfect for the setting, if Caragiale would be alive, such people would be the heroes of his comic writings.


In the street, the Masca Theatre was playing an adaptation upon Caragiale’s “O noapte furtunoasă”, which the audience seemed to enjoy (Caragiale has only a few plays and some of his shorter pieces may be theatrically adapted, but will that be enough for 100 representations, as advertised?). This one was a strange adaptation, with white costumes (more like the living statues the Masca actors do often) and with Caragiale himself introduced as a character in the play.


I can’t get out of my head the above-mentioned couple and it fitting in the scene, the tough (and rich?) guy getting his “demoiselle” in the city center to see “comedies” (or more like her dragging him there) and she being like…. like in that picture, which does not need much words. They say Caragiale live forever among us.


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Out of the frame

After all, Street Delivery this year was not all bad, there were some friends and we did our own things, jumping, shooting and such.


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Hipster Delivery

Street Delivery is the biggest hipster event taking place in Bucharest and it takes place in the middle of June, the perfect moment for a hipster to show his true colors with the obligatory hat and scarf during an incredibly hot summer day. It has everything you expect from such an event, from “Salvati Rosia Montana” to graffiti and comics to cotton candy to and beer to workshops and to dubstep. Even a booth from the local Apple Computer distributor was there.

And since the Carturesti library chain thought is a good promotional opportunity, they, as organizer, held a photography contest from the event, so about half of the hipsters there had a camera, dreaming of taking “that” picture and winning the contest. So I took only a few pics.

street delivery
street delivery
street delivery
street delivery
street delivery

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Romanian chicas

When asked for some TV news show which Romanian food he likes the best, one of the Spanish supporters being here for the big final answered “the girls”. If you know what he meant…


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Yesterday evening Bucharest hosted the Europa League final, a match between two Spanish teams, Atletico Madrid and Athletic Bilbao, so the old city (the Lipscani area) was practically under invasion by happy people singing, dancing, screaming and drinking. Is hard to say which is which, since both teams have the same colors: red and white stripes (Bilbao may have also a bit of green, Madrid a bit of blue).


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Vienna: people

Sure, a city is not all about industry or traditions or parks, there are people there, and I think people are the most important. The people I saw in Vienna looked very relaxed, like they should in a civilised city.


This was also the case for the crowded areas on the commercial streets in the center


The city has its share of lovers


And funny people


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Vienna: parks

Among this palaces and cathedrals, there are also a lot of parks in Vienna and at this time of the year (month of May) they were green and full of flowers.


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Vienna: traditional

Vienna is known more for its traditions: cathedrals, palaces, many impressive buildings, some of them really old and some from more modern times. In the very center you can even rent a coach with horses (pictures won’t capture the smell of manure):


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Vienna: industrial

The series of photos with images of the city of Vienna will have a more serious (boring?) start, with an industrial theme: train station, busy streets, thermal plant.


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Three, as in one, and another one, and yet another one. Three.


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Coming from a spring walk in the Herăstrău park and going to the Izvor park for the fire show, we passed by the river of Dîmbovița at the exact moment of the sunset. That’s a sure location for beautiful city shoots at that moment.


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Martisor 2012

With the winter gone (at least in theory), 1st of March is the Romanian holiday of Mărțișor when men are expected to buy shiny trinkets, put then on a red-and-white string and offer as presents to all women around.


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