Category: street

Sunset over Targu jiu

The sun was setting over the Jiu river and across this water fountain.


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People in the streets are protesting against the rogue communist government, but this is not all, some others are out to protest against the general corruption (the two are related but not completely the same). So a few artists meet in front of the Peasant Museum in Bucharest with a set of self-made puppets representing the “corrupts” which all of us have to support, walked them on the street and then treated them with a beer.


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The referendum held by the communist coalition led by the prime-minister Victor Ponta and his fellow senator Crin Antonescu, now interim president, failed, they didn’t succeed to get the majority needed to dismiss the democratically elected president Traian Basescu so their coup d’etat failed at least partially. Now people are in the streets calling those too to do the moral thing and resign, even if this is very unlikely, to say the least.


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Caragiale and Bucharest

As I said before, the Caragiale festival is happening in the old city of Bucharest and is going to last all summer long, now it was an adaptation upon a series of his sketches.

caragiale festival

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I am a true citizen of Bucharest so I have a love-hate relation with my city, I may ridicule it, I may despise it, but sometime I like it and in special cases I may even love it. Here is the Stavropoleos street in a hot Sunday late-afternoon to early-evening, with the Stavropoleos Monastery on the left and Caru’ cu Bere ahead.


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Hostel Miorita

Believe or not, this is emblematic for the city of Bucharest, the picture is taken on the Lipscani street in the old city, the main touristic attraction.

hostel miorita

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Traian and the shewolf

Is a national sport in Romania to ridicule this horrible statue that appeared recently on the stair of the National History Museum in Bucharest, so I had to join the ranks and do my share. A couple of lovers versus a Roman emperor and a female wolf.


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Triptych sneak preview

A preview of my pictures for the Triptych photo exhibition to be opened in a few weeks. Called Fishmongers is a series of street photos from my Indian trip.


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Free Hugs = normal = good

We struggle at near 40°C, the politics around us are in turmoil, still people want a normal life, they try to ignore the problems and go forward. Last Saturday a bunch of kids organized an event (the second year in a row) called “Free Hugs – Summer Love” where they offered hugs around the Herastrau Park in Bucharest.

free hugs
free hugs
free hugs
free hugs

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Politics in the summer

The coup d’etat in Bucharest evolved to the point the German chancellor, called it unacceptable: the rogue government went beyond the law and suspended a democratically elected president. The street protest continued, but they also chanced, the peaceful protests in Piața Victoriei were took over by a small political party in its hunger for audience, with activists, flags, T-shirts, noise, megaphones and everything. Since that party has its own propaganda machine and I wasn’t there to endorse a party, my coverage will pause. I will probably cover other major events in the meantime, like the big presidential support demonstration and will certainly go and vote in the referendum.


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Large meeting at Piata Revolutiei

If in the previous days the pro-democratic and anti-governmental demonstrations at Piața Victoriei were spontaneous and unofficial, yesterday evening Piața Revoluției of Bucharest (the symbolic place where the old communist dictatorship ended) hosted a big official demonstration with thousands of participants. This time it was a political action, with parties, associations, organizations and personalities participating and announcing an alliance intended to stop the coup d’etat and defending democracy. They will lack much power in the following months, but are expected to be a force in the upcoming elections expected this autumn.

piata revolutiei
piata revolutiei
piata revolutiei
piata revolutiei

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In the streets again

The Romanian parliamentary coup d’etat is continuing in full force, now it moved to the removal of the democratically elected President of the state – that is in theory a constitutional move, but not in the way it is happening now, with a governmental (not even a law!) restricting the Constitutional Court ability to pronounce over the impeachment and a following law (or maybe even a governmental order again) to modify the referendum law (since a referendum should follow). On top of that, the Senate president was replaced a day before, since him will be the acting president while the elected president is suspended.

Therefore, the civil society reacted again. I am not good with estimated a crowd size, but my guess is the protesters in Piata Victoriei yesterday evening were double in number compared with the previous day. And their message wittier, I especially liked “The Higgs boson was discovered. Politicians, why you don’t let us live?”. Proportionally, the number of photos in my post increased (and there are even more in an online album).

This evening a really big protest is expected from 18:00 in Piata Revolutiei, the place where the anti-communist revolution started in December 1989. I will be there.

jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta
jos ponta

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Coup d’etat in Romania

Life was going “normal” I was busy preparing the Wikipedia photography contest, editing photos for an exhibition with my photo group, queuing posts for this blog, planning trips for the summer and so on, when the crude reality hit: a communist government in place in Romania which got into power after some parliamentary play that modified the majority, moved into what can be called a “parliamentary coup d’etat”, which demolished democratic institutions like People’s Advocate or the Parliament leadership and free media like the public television and is targeting now other institutions like the Constitutional Court and the (democratically elected) President, with Justice to follow. The life can’t go on, I have to stop and document how people are trying to protect democracy and freedom, they get out in the streets protesting.


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Wilhelmina Arz at Femei pe Matasari

Even if it was only the second edition, it seems like a tradition became for Femei pe Mătăsari urban festival to be opened by a fashion show by Wilhelmina Arz. It take place in the evening before, on a stage built on the street, where the next day people will roam.


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Real Matasari

Every event, no matter how glamourous it is, must have a sordid side, like this moment of real live on Mătăsari street (is happening just in front of the concert stage).


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