Category: reflection

Editing a bit of drama

Not having anything planned, I didn’t carry a tripod with me, so here is how I made it: the singe RAW (.cr2) image opened with UFRaw (the GIMP plugin version) and saved as 3 JPEGs: -1, 0 and +1 exposure. JPEGs imported in Luminance HDR and assembled as not a very obvious HDR, edit levels for more drama and export as one JPEG. Some final tweaks with GIMP and the result is this.

editing a bit of drama

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Reflections on a car show

I pondered for a while, the car shows are not what they used to be, every year they are less attractive for the photographer (no, is not just me growing-up as a photographer). Still, the places are roamed my more and more people with powerful cameras.


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Just a lamp reflected in a street puddle.


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The bridge

This bridge is kind of famous, one item appearing in many pictures taken in the IOR park.

the bridge

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Goodbye Vienna

Since I am sure at this point I already bored all my readers with the photos from Vienna, I think is the time to put an end of the series with an one last pic. Have fun!


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Sunglasses vote

Is summer out there, the sun is hot and bright, we search for protection by wearing sunglasses. This is why I propose today a fun exercise, look at those photos featuring sunglasses I took recently and try to vote which one you like the best. The sunglasses, not the models :D, in fact that’s I find interesting, the people’s ability to disconnect the models (and their cleavages!) from the things they wear.

sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses

For now, I will abstain myself from the vote, don’t want to influence my readers and their vote in any way.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

At work

Lot of reflecting surfaces all around, you have to have a self shoot like this, photographer at work.

at work

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Bucharest at the golden hour

Lifting a quote straight from Wikipedia:

"In photography, the golden hour (sometimes known as magic hour, especially in cinematography) is the first and last hour of sunlight during the day, when a specific photographic effect is achieved with the quality of the light."

As I stumbled around the city center around the golden hour a couple of days ago, I just had to take a few shots in that magic light:

Summer in the city Summer in the city

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Summer in the city

I always hated the megalomaniacal constructions in the center of the city at Piața Unirii, I think they are an ugly remaining of the dreaded communist era and are making Bucharest uglier.

Summer in the city

But passing there is a torrid summer day the large number of fountains in the middle of the crammed traffic is somewhat refreshing.

Summer in the city

And I find even more refreshing the life around those fountains, both beasts and people are enjoying the water.

Summer in the city Summer in the city

I think the dog puts in perspective the "dog day" expression and also I envy his his freedom.

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It may be completely unoriginal to play with reflections like this, but I couldn’t stop doing so:

Fudcon day 3

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