Category: photo


This is already a tradition for orasul to get people dancing tango in the subway at the Unirii 1 station, as is a tradition for them to offer chocolate in the same place in the Martisor day every year, so guess what? Today I shoot people doing tango in the subway.


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More Martisor pics

If the experience yesterday shooting Martisor sellers was less than stellar (I had one security guard come to me and ask to stop, since the market is private property, even if everything happened on he street, so I have to move to the opposite side of the market), today at Unirii it was much better.


People asked me to shoot their dog (carrying flowers in his mouth), complained about the mayor and the chaos he created, talked about photos and such.


A couple of them even asked to be shoot and offered me free flowers (snowdrops, which I had to decline as my hands were busy). Of course, it was not all perfect, I heard some mumbling they better get paid “100 Euros” for being photographed (even if I didn’t shoot them, but the flowers they sold).


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Martisor trolling

I just love trolling on Mărțisor day, so this year I prepared a series of pictures. Fave fun!

martisor trolling
martisor trolling
martisor trolling
martisor trolling

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Men, run for your lives!

Only a few hours left, is the time for men to run for their lives: tomorrow is March 1st, the Romanian holiday where they are supposed to gift all women around with crappy shiny trinkets on a string.


Not only for their beloved one, not only also for their mother, not even only also for their sister, but also for their coworker, mother in law, neighbor and so on. Run!


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Stay tuned, other pics will come. To be continued.


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Peasant girl

Being at the Village Museum for the photo exhibition opening there was a Dragobete fair and this cute little girl wearing a traditional peasant costume.

peasant girl

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Dragobete love

As I said in the photo exhibition post, Dragobete is a traditional Romanian celebration of love and fertility and as such is implied heterosexual. Well, those two dogs, shoot in the Dragobete day in the Herastrau Park begs to disagree.


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Dragobetele sărută fetele

“Dragobetele sărută fetele” is Romanian for “Dragobete kisses the girls”, where Dragobete is our local fertility holiday, pretty much alike Valentine’s Day or Lupercalia, now used as a celebration of love. And for this holiday, there is a photo exhibition, now at the second edition, hosted by the Village Museum in Bucharest.


The tradition foe every exhibition opening is to serve the visitors some food ad drinks, the choice for food was interesting: bacon, onions and bread. I am not sure how the onions are related to kissing, you eat them before or after.


As for myself, I had two pictures accepted, one made last spring in the Herastrau Park, the other in the summer on the beach at 2 Mai.


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The Edge of Love

Last week I had the pleasure to work with Irina Irimia, fashion designer, and Raluca Geambasu, model, on a photo session for Irina’s project, called The Edge of Love, which is based on various collages.

irina irimia - the edge of love
preparing for the shooting, Irina in charge of hair and make-up

Is February in Bucharest, so Raluca endured with heroism a cold winter day, but we managed to take a bunch of outside photos with clothes intended for a much warmer weather (anticipating the spring and summer to come).

irina irimia - the edge of love
outside photos, trying to ignore the winter

Finally, Irina edited the photos according with her vision, as collages.

irina irimia - the edge of love

final imaged, as edited by the designer (Irina)

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Book launch

Last summer I posted a bunch of photos from Buzau Mountains, the so-called “Luana Land”. Now the guide from that trip, Diana Gavrila, launched a book about the region, its history, traditions and legends, called “Enigme din trecutul indepartat in Muntii Buzaului” (“Enigmas from the far past in Buzau Mountains”, expanding the stories I touched briefly in my post (all heard from her) and more.

book launch

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Event photography portfolio website

It wasn’t planned, just happened to be ready now, but is a cute coincidence to launch my event photography portfolio website on the Valentine’s Day. Maybe is a sign 🙂 But the important thing is, if you need event photography (be it a wedding, an anniversary, corporate event, spectacle or something else), I am open for commission. For the 2013 wedding season start now, is no much time left until the summer! event photography portfolio

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From my garden

I still have a garden (long ago used to post more pictures from it, flowers, plants, insects and such) but now live away from it (is for sale, BTW), so such pics are much rarer (and, arguably, I matured a bit as a photographer and that influenced my themes). Today I visited it, and knowing at this time snowdrops should be in full flower, I planned to pick some to give. Unfortunately, event there are a lot of them, my snowdrops are not tall, hard to carry, to offer and keep, so I am afraid for the moment she has to keep the photos and I have to go to the market for real flowers.


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On copyright

The news broke a few days ago: the European Court of Human Rights has declared that the copyright monopoly stands in direct conflict with fundamental Human Rights, as defined in the European Union and elsewhere (read more). At a first look, it sounds like good news for users. A law is a law because people agreed it serves the public interest, and that’s the case for copyright too (at least in theory and before corporations and their lobby and money got into play)


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Two for Dragobete

Two of the three pictures I sent made the final selection for the photo exhibition for Dragobete (it’s all about love and couples, like a Romanian Valentine’s Day). The organizers jumped the gun and announced “the top images to be exposed” but we, the participants, are still supposed and think if we participated and, if one has multiple images, which one (the price is proportional with the number of images). So those are my two pics and I have to make a choice: two, one or none? I will surely participate and kind of like the second better.


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Black and white reloaded

When I visited the Sector 6 (that’s a district in Bucharest) city hall, I had the opportunity to see the photos from the Bucharest in black and white photo exhibition again. For a while our photos will make more lively the cold walls of this public administration building. Probably photos in colors would do a better job with this, but black and white was the theme.

black and white

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