Category: flower

Martisor Day leftovers

That string was hung in the tree on the Mărțișor Day and will probably stay there until the nature will get rid of in on its own. Supposedly, it should act as a kind of protective charm for the tree.

martisor leftovers

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Blossom in the ciity

A couple of days ago we still had some snow, today over 20°C and the city is entering the blossom season.

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The woman with snowdrops

Just like modern version of Dochia, the old woman selling snowdrops near Piața Unirii in this warm and sunny start of March day is a sign of the coming spring.


Some people enjoy her flowers, sold at a very low price, maybe looking for a second at the wrinkles on her face.


Some others hurry away, carrying on with their busy lives in this sunny Sunday morning.


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From my garden

I still have a garden (long ago used to post more pictures from it, flowers, plants, insects and such) but now live away from it (is for sale, BTW), so such pics are much rarer (and, arguably, I matured a bit as a photographer and that influenced my themes). Today I visited it, and knowing at this time snowdrops should be in full flower, I planned to pick some to give. Unfortunately, event there are a lot of them, my snowdrops are not tall, hard to carry, to offer and keep, so I am afraid for the moment she has to keep the photos and I have to go to the market for real flowers.


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Smell the sunflowers

This year the heat is strong and long lasting, all the vegetation has a heavy fight for survival, so it probably was the last opportunity of the year to capture some sunflower pictures.


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Japanese culture days

This week the Odeon theatre in Bucharest hosts the Japanese culture days, with all kind of activities. I went there for the Fotohaiku photo exhibition, where a few friends have pictures exposed (is a combination of photography and haiku, which I found myself too boring to participate)


Being there, I also attended an Ikebana demonstration held by a Japanese hipster by the name of sensei Nomura who said he do freestyle Ikebana and was not able to tell the audience much about what and why he’s doing there:


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Vienna: parks

Among this palaces and cathedrals, there are also a lot of parks in Vienna and at this time of the year (month of May) they were green and full of flowers.


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Some people go to watch the sakura blossom in groups, throwing real parties there (that’s called “hanami”), some go in couples to have romantic moments and some others go by themselves, enjoying the solitude in the beautiful landscape.

sakura solitude

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She said she was charmed by the beautiful flowers which brought her is a dreamy state, it is probably so since the blossom was beautiful and the light almost perfect.


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Yesterday the Japanese cherry tree blossom (sakura) was probably at its best for this season in Bucharest: lots of flowers, beautiful sunlight, warm weather – anything you wanted from it.


And if everything was perfect, people were there watching and enjoying (Hanami is the traditional Japanese custom of viewing the tree blossom).


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Sakura kiss

I pretty much missed the Sakura season this year: the Japanese cherry trees are in full blossom, the weather is ugly, the light bad and me, knowing the weather forecast, have not arranged anything… what can I do for now is take a few shots of random strangers and hope the apple trees will blossom under better circumstances.

sakura kiss

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After I bored everybody with my Indian adventures, is probably the time to breath a bit and celebrate the spring – those little fellows, snowdrops from my garden, appeared a couple of months ago, in the middle of the winter, but the snow buried them. Now they are alive and kicking (well, not exactly those, the flowers in the image were cut and offered as a present, but there are some more in the garden).


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Autumn again

Cold weather, dim light and plenty of warm earthy colors: is again that time of the year, the autumn did come.


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The summer of poppies

Near the end of May, is almost summer here, the time of the summer flowers. And you don’t need to go too far, fields of poppies are also inside the city (if you know where to look for them, of curse):



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Cherry blossom at Muzeul Satului

It looks like I did everything at Flowers Day (Florii) in the Village Museum (Muzeul Satului), from glamourous shoots, to traditional masters interviews, to children portraiture to fun photos and cat photos (yes, I did that too), except the very thing I was there in the first place: cherry blossom pictures. Wrong! I did that too 🙂

And as it was the tulips season, I did also tulip pictures:

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