Category: flower


Is relatively easy for me to shoot white magnolias, since there is (still) one in my garden, so I have a lot of shots with its flowers:

White Magnolia and More

But I like better the pink ones, so I had to search the city:

Pink Magnolia

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Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

What can I say more? Those are yoshiro cherry trees (染井吉野) in full blossom in the "Japanese Garden" from the Herastrau Park in Bucharest. Ah, there is something more to say: it was a warm day and the bees were flying from flower to flower. So Chire, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom

Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom

Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom Sakura: Japanese cherry tree blossom

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Blossoming apricot

I think is the time to start unleashing the blossoming trees of the spring… Chire, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!

Blossoming trees: Apricot

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Among other trees and flowers, the willows are blossoming to, making the walk near a lake into a beautiful experience.

Willow in spring

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We are into the astronomic spring already, the bulbs (like this magnolia from my garden) are ready to explode, they need probably one or more hot sunny days, not the cloudy today. But there is a good thing to that: I have not managed to uplaod al ths shots from yesterday in the park…

Buds in my garden, waiting for the spring

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Spring yellow flowers

I could use some help from my readers, even if those flowers, probably the first trees blossoming in the spring, are practically everywhere, including in my garden, where I took the shoot, I don’t know their name, not the Romanian name and not the English name.

Update: thanks to a comment on flickr, I learned the name: "Forsythia" in English respectively "Forsiția" in Romanian

Yellow flowers

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Waiting to blossom

I hate this ugly and cold weather: the vegetation is waiting to blossom, look at this tree from my garden, and is held back by the low temperatures… But I guess there is also an upside for this: I have in my mind some spring photos for which I lack the means to take at the moment (but the situation does not appear to be changing in the following weeks, so is not much of an upside).

Waiting to Blossom

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Close-ups and Depth of Field

I tried some close-ups with various parameters for the shot and found myself unable to definitely chose what I like better: a wide or shallow depth of field, for each of them I can see pluses and minuses, so I turned out to some external opinions.

Unanimously, the non-photographers (and a photographer interested mostly in portraits), opted wor a wide DOF, and I can understand why, the "more is more" doctrine, the picture shows more things, wich many people consider a good thing:

Purple Crocus / Brindusa Mov

Still not convinced, I turned to past colleagues from the photography course Cursphoton, and I found voices opting for the shallow DOF, or what I like to call in this case "less is more":

Purple Crocus / Brindusa Mov - Shallow depth of field

I find the difference interesting and telling, but obviously the definitive question is still "who is the target for the photos?" and this may tell you which option to prefer…

And of course I tried another version of the photo: dark background and an intermediary aperture value, it tells a completely different story:

Purple Crocus / Brindusa Mov

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White crocus / Brinduse albe

Continuing the spring celebration with macro shots of spring flowers, here is the colse-up of a white crocus (Romanian: Brindusa alba) from the Herastrau Park.

White Crocus / Brinduse Albe

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Spring flowers: Viola Odorata/ Garden Violet/ Toporasi

Yet another macro of an early spring flower taken from my garden. Not that great of a shot, I plan to try again.

Viola Odorata / Garden Violet / Toporasi

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Spring flowers: Crocus (Brinduse)

I only saw those flowers blossoming in my garden only in the early spring, just after the snowdrops and they are a joyful spot of color in any garden.

Crocus / Brîndușă

And if the photo above was taken in the controlled conditions with tripod and such, I also have a version from their natural state and hand-hold camera:

Crocus / Brîndușe

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Garden bush

I don’t know the name of this plant, but the red was beautiful. And is from a garden, not my garden, but a garden.

Garden trees and bushes

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Bees and flowers

A cloudy day has its benefits for photography, but a sunny day in the autumn has some other benefits, like insects enjoying what’s probably the last beautiful day of the year. Insects? Macros!

Bees and flowers

Bees and flowers

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Roses and chrysanthemums from my garden

A cloudy day is perfect for nature photographing, you can shoot the flowers without the undesired shadows and strong solar light

Rose in Autumn

Autumn flowers: Chrysanthemums

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Herbs (Summer Savory/Cimbru) from my garden

Summer Savory (Romanian: Cimbru) is a base condiment in the Romanian cuisine. And it has flowers.

Summer Savory (cimbru)

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