Category: bucharest

Almost vintage

Modern image reminds about the old ages of the city

Almost vintage

A bag of holy water

On the Epiphany day, she comes from the church with a bottle of holy water in her bag

a bag of holy water

Hello winter

Hello winter, nice to meet you!

Hello winter

Half off

Splitting in halfs can be easy

Half off

Vintage ladies

Vintage ladies keep their status even when nature is hostile

Vintage ladies

On fashion

Staying on step with the fashion trends

On fashion

Birds are people too

Feeding the birds in a snowy day

Birds are people too

Lost umbrella

Lone umbrella lost in a sea of snow

Lost umbrella

Winter supply

The winter is upon us, we need supplies. Lots of them.

Winter supply

Kissing in the snow

Heavy snow: the perfect time to kiss!

Kissing in the snow

A winter day

The first day of the year pretty much was just a regular winter day

A winter day

Sunset first

And this was the first sunset of the new year 2017

Sunset first

2017 on fire

The fireworks for the New Year in the nearby park are as usual, not very impressive, but they are convenient.

2017 on fire

Winter tale

Winter fairy tale with no heroes

Winter tale

The way

Little and big, they are all on their snowy way

The way