Category: bucharest

Not color

When you take a shoot at an event called ‘The Color Run’ and decide it goes better in Black and White

Not color

Fun color

When Green is a color of fun

Fun color

From the foam

Foamy gate near the end of a Color Run event

From the foam


Light projection on a fancy building


Go with the flow

A flow of light on a street in Bucharest

Go with the flow

Spring path

A view on the spring in the Botanical Garden


Now I understand why swans are supposed to be gracious

Not so urban morning

Yet another urban morning in Bucharest with swans and a touch of mist

Not forgotten

One of the almost forgotten past autumn photos: mystic morning on the lake

Not forgotten

Misty autumn

Somehow for the whole month of November I forgot to update my photography blog with any picture. Like this one.

Misty autumn

Autumn lake

Misty autumn morning over the lake

Autumn lake

Nice morning

Morning encounter with swans, ducks and mist

Nice morning

Crane, plane, boat

Airshow on the lake in Bucharest

Crane, plane, boat

Meet the pilot

Say ‘hi!’ to the pilot, he’s coming close

Meet the pilot

Wine time

Is autumn time, the wine time