Author: nicubunu

Hotness overload

One more example when size doesn’t matter: the little chilies are nastier than the bigger one.

hotness overload

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Parenting: flight

Continuing the “parenting” series, today is the time for some flying.

parenting flight

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Lone on the lake

The gull was left alone by all his flying buddies.

lone on the lake

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Birds paradise

Probably the food is scarce there, still the birds gather in large numbers.

birds paradise

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Slippery when wet

The alley when wet, slippery it is. So pay attention while walking on it.

slippery when wet

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Not the usual image of a playground, but a playground it is, nevertheless.


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Bucharest Art Photographer Salon 2014

Today, 11 January, in Romania is officially celebrated the photography day, this is established in the memory of Carol Popp de Szathmary, the first Romanian photographers and one of the photography pioneers of the world. There is a week ahead full of photography related events and it started today with the fourth edition of the Bucharest Art Photographer Salon.
After last year participation, I submitted photos again this year and three of them were accepted. On top of that, one was rewarded with a honorable mention, that’s is, one of the 6 prizes awarded in the salon. Not bad.

gara salon bucharest art photographer

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Just some lines and some lights transformed in lines


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We are now a couple week past the Christmas, do you still have the decorations up?


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Light painting

In photography light painting means something totally different, still the lights there do really look like brush strokes in a painting and I like to play on words. On the other hand… what did I shoot here?

light painting

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Mother Uța

I meet her a couple of years ago during a trip to old cave monasteries, but I heard stories about Mother Uța even before that. She had her house next to the Corbii de Piatra monastery, a less known but quite famous in some circles touristic place and a few attractions, including a stone raven (Corbii de Piatra means Stone Ravens) is practically in her backyard. So almost everybody visiting the monastery was visiting her too and she was very friendly, talking with the visitors, posing for the photographers and so on.
Today I learned (from the monastery’s Facebook page, no less) she is no more. This made me dig from the old pictures from March 2012, find an unpublished one with mother Uța, who at the time was 80, edit and post it. Remembering thing and people is one of the things photography is good for.

mother uta

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Parenting: dolls

Who are the dolls and what are they good for? These are the parenting questions for today.

parenting dolls

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Night in the park

If the New Year fireworks in the IOR park were far from spectacular, at least the general night view of the park had something to offer

night in the park
night in the park

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Kind of fireworks

This year again I spent the New Year night around the house, so for the fireworks I went to the nearby park, here the lights show was lame, as expected, to match our lame local mayor (Sector 3). Protip: in Bucharest, for proper fireworks go to Piata Constitutiei.


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Parenting: New Year

Parenting for the new year: booze, balloons, hats, confetti, fun.

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