Year: 2017

Wet kiss

A wet kiss by the pool. Not exactly what you expected, I guess.

Wet kiss


Amusement park you say? Take here some amusement!


Sunrise by the sea

A fine sunrise at the Black Sea shore

Sunrise by the sea

Under the cloudy sky

A bit of dance under the cloudy night sky

Under the cloudy sky


Up there in the world above



Up there, where the rhododendron is growing


Stone tooth

Like a tooth made of stone on top of the mountain

Stone tooth

Out of the flock

Some don’t go with the flock and assert their own individuality

Out of the flock

Starry night

My first take at shooting the night sky full of stars

Starry night

In the air

Levitating a bit for great fun

In the air

Over the hills

Up there, right before the end of the day

Over the hills

The flow

Flowing downstream in slow motion

The flow

Summer water

A nice stop by the fountain for the hot summer day

Summer water

Girl and Doors

A small, small girl by a big, big door…

Girl and Doors

By the columns

Sitting in the shadow of the columns at the Athenaeum

By the columns