Day: March 5, 2012

Indian wedding: the fathers

Fathers are also important in an Indian wedding: before the religious ceremony the groom’s father visited the bride, blessed her and offered a present (in this case a necklace) and then the bride’s father visited the groom for blessings and offering a present (a modern watch in this case):

indian wedding
indian wedding

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Indian wedding: the priest

The religious part essential in a traditional Indian wedding, it was the highest point. For this there was a wisely-looking priest (someone told me how much he’s looking like Rabindranath Tagore), who here is preparing the place for the future ceremony: he delimited a square where nobody else than the “actors” were allowed, I as a photographer, was forbidden to step inside.

indian wedding priest

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Indian wedding: the beauty

Anywhere a wedding happens, may it be India, Europe, the Americas, no matter where, there is a thing in common: the very center of the ceremony is the bride and her beauty. So was the case here too, we had a beautiful bride, with a beautiful dress, in a beautiful location.

indian wedding beauty

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Indian wedding: the groom

As there can’t be a wedding with no bride, it also can’t be one with no groom. So while she was doing her job on her room, receiving guests, accepting presents, posing, he was doing the same in his own room, on his own throne, just a floor below.

indian groom

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Indian wedding: the bride

There can’t be a wedding with no bride, she is essential part of the ceremony. She was here on a throne, waiting for the big moment, receiving the guests, posing with them, accepting presents, smiling. In a word, doing her job.

indian bride

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