Wine time

Is autumn time, the wine time

Nets, boats, birds

Surely there are some fishermen around

Nets, boats, birds


Just walked into this scene


Water down

Water falling down the rocks is always spectacular

Water down

Beach end

This is where a 12km or so beach ends

Beach end

Kneel for the Sun

On the knees and facing the mighty Sun

Kneel for the Sun


Interrupting a photo shooting.



The waterfall at Obârșia Ialomiței (the origin of Ialomița river) is reportedly the second-highest in the country.


Under the fall

Go as close under the waterfall as possible, only taking care no water drop touch your lenses.

Under the fall

Carpathian black goats

Meet the sunset with those Carpathian Black Goats at the worst moment: when my tele lens is broken in the repair shop, so I had to improvise.

Carpathian black goats

Meet the fishers

Where is the sea, there are men catching fish

Meet the fishers

Sunrise at stake

Simple beach sunrise

Sunrise at stake

Three on the beach

On the beach, three silhouettes watching the sun rise

Three on the beach

Wet in the hair

After a bath in the sea at dawn, your hair is surely wet

Wet in the hair

Early bird

Such is village life, you have to wake-up early in the morning

Early bird