From the foam

Foamy gate near the end of a Color Run event

From the foam


It’s been a while since I posted some yummy food


Never forget

The girl visiting a field of forget-me-not flowers

Never forget


Light projection on a fancy building


Go with the flow

A flow of light on a street in Bucharest

Go with the flow

Spring magic

Isn’t the spring blossom magic?


Beware: she is armed, dangerous and pretty


Rock’s Edge

The Swan on the Rock’s Edge

Rock edge

Spring path

A view on the spring in the Botanical Garden

Little dress

Pretty little dress for a little girl

Little dress

Friendly goat

Friendly goat ready to kiss the photographer


Now I understand why swans are supposed to be gracious

The shoemaker

The old shoe maker and his opanaks


Introducing Billy, the goat kid

Not so urban morning

Yet another urban morning in Bucharest with swans and a touch of mist