Category: street


I am not good ar running on long distance, I used to be better at speed on short distance, but lost my training for that too. Well, that is no excuse to miss the Bucharest International Marathon, an awesome photography opportunity. It was the 5th edition, but the first time for me: is a big event, it has good athletes, like this group that was leading the race, or like the guy who followed them or the first girl:


Along with the athletes, many other people participated, in fact there were more races at the same time: the marathon, the half-marathon, the relay-marathon, the disabled people race and the popular cross:


And everybody was “running”, even those you would have expected the less:


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Bucharest in black and white 2012

Last year I had a picture there, this year one of my pics was selected again for the “Bucharest in black and white” (Bucureștiul în alb și negru) photo exhibition, which should open on October 17 at Cărturești, near Piața Romană. It was taken earlier this year at Femei pe Mătăsari.

bucharest in black and white

Again, the same rule is for the image format, 4:3, which I wonder about, it is the image format for compact cameras: is one of the exhibition heavyweights too lazy to crop his pictures or is an opening for newbies still using compacts? (a newbie may not know how to crop, while you have better expectation from someone with a bigger camera).

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ASE ball still up

Yesterday a new university year started for students across the country. ASE, standing for the University of Economic Studies is one of the big traditional universities in Bucharest, famous for the large percentage of female students. It is also knows for an urban legend: one of its buildings has a ball shaped roof and the legend say it will fall-off when a virgin (implied, female virgin) will pass by it.

Note: myself, I graduated long ago at UPB, the engineering university, where is no ball problem (if you know what I mean…)


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The old man and his bike

Sitting on a bench, near the agitation of BikeFest and so many youngsters

the old man and his bike

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Low priced dwellings

Believe or not, as this historical monument plate says, it used to be a “Low Priced Dwellings Society”. I expect the name to pretty much be a publicity stunt, but that makes it no less funny.

low priced dwellings

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Luxury photography

Hunting for my latest batch of photos for the Wiki Loves Monuments photo contest, I encountered this building, which is not a historical monument, but still an interesting sight. Ans you can probably see is a former shop, which had a “FOTO LUX” sign, if not obvious, that is Romanian for “Luxury Photography”. Think of the past glory of this place…

luxury photography

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Bye Caragiale

If a few month back I caught an Caragiale act near the opening the the all-summer long Caragiale Festival, now near its end I caught another, the same company, Masca, but a different play, “O scrisoare pierdută”.

scrisoare pierduta

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Attention span

Somehow, I am not very sure the seller is very focused on his colored balloons, something else may have caught his attention. Not good for the business.


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Neige de feu

Neige de feu (snow fire) by Cie entre Terre et Ciel was a spectacular show with fire, part of B-FIT Street, the Bucharest international theatre festival.


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19 reasons

“19 Reasons” by Aromatic Company was one of the spectacles happening in the street at the Bucharest International Theatre Festival, B-FIT. I saw their show twice: one time in the Colțea Square and another time on the Lipscani Street, the pictures are from the second one, where my station point was better.

19 reasons
19 reasons

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By night

The Old City of Bucharest can be very animated by night, especially if is close to the week-end and more so if a festival takes place there (now it was the International Theatre Festival, B-FIT)

old city by night
old city by night
old city by night
old city by night

old city by night

We love the old city, right?

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Hipstering around

There is a saying “you are not a photographer, you are just a kid with a Nikon” used to ridicule the people who use a camera but not using their brains or learning anything. For some, it can be enlarged with “you are not even a kid with a Nikon, you are just a hipster”.

hipstering around

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Why Wiki Loves Monuments?

I take part, and I am also an organizer, in the Romanian Wiki Loves Monuments photography contest, where we try to get people contributing photos of historical monuments to Wikipedia. The things are not all roses, photos below, taken in the old city of Bucharest, the most important touristic area from our capital city, are a proof of why something like it is badly needed. Our history, our culture, our identity, they are going away due to carelessness and/or greed. We can at least preserve their image.

wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments
wiki loves monuments

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Bucharest like Rio

B.FIT, the Bucharest International Theatre Festival, closed with a big parade, part of it was the parade of Latin dance schools, with samba, salsa, capoeira, bachata and more. There were some costumes making you think of Rio de Janeiro.


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Let’s get out in Bucharest, celebrate with WLM

Those days, 13-16 September 2012, is the celebration of Bucharest, called “Bucharest Days”, 553 years of known existence. Is a very good opportunity for us to get out in the street, take photos with some historical monuments and put them in the Wiki Loves Monuments photography contest.

WLM de Zilele Bucureștiului

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