Category: sky

Supermoon 2013 (minus one day)

Sunday night the sky was a bit hazy, so I couldn’t take a clear photo of the supermoon. Good think I played a bit the previous night and captured a picture then… still, quite boring, not that different from the last year’s supermoon. Next time if I take a picture again, I promise to be more creative.


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Sky is the limit

Some say “only the sky is the limit”, some others say “not even the sky is the limit”, but there are things which have to stop somewhere.

sky is the limit

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No tropics

This is no tropical island, is just Bucharest, Romania in a summer day.


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Yet another sunset

Long time no sunset… is time to correct that, here’s yet another sunset shoot over the I.O.R. park in Bucharest.


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Heart in the Sky

Sky, clouds, a hole in the clouds and a bit of imagination. You can see anything you want in the cloud shapes.


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BIAS 2012: the flight

There are so many images from the Bucharest International Air Show 2012 which took place last week-end at the Băneasa airport and they are everywhere, that I think everybody is probably bored by now, so my post will be short, concise and NOT focused on colored fog trails.

air show
air show
air show
air show
air show
air show

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Magic moon

Wandering trough a magic land in only expected to find a magic moon to watch over it during the night (they say Moon is a must for a civilization worshipping the Sun, as supposedly were those ancient civilizations from the kingdom of Luana).


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Up the ladder

This ladder is not just pointing to the sky, is part of the entrance to the cell of Dionisie Torcătorul, so it may have a bit of extra holiness.


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Goodbye Vienna

Since I am sure at this point I already bored all my readers with the photos from Vienna, I think is the time to put an end of the series with an one last pic. Have fun!


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The supermoon happened last night, while I was on a trip to Vienna, so it caught me quite unprepared, with no tripod or ther useful tools for such a moment. And the sky was cloudy all day and for a good part of the night, it took a while until I got a clear view of it:


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To the Heavens

Near the sunset, when the sun is low and if the clouds are also low, it can happen for some rays to escape, painting those light pathways climbing to the sky and beyond.


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Red sun, red sky, red light, dark clouds covering the sun: that is the drama, that is the sunset. I know I posted already a few sunsets, but I can’t help it, if the light is just beautiful.


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Snow trip in Bucegi

I promised earlier some winter photos, now is the time to deliver, it was a trip in Bucegi mountains from Bușteni to Gura Diham and Poiana Izvoarelor and then back, during blizzard, snow, cold weather, deep clouds and with a bit of sun at the end:


If you are interested, from the same set I posted on my other blog a few wallpaper sized landscapes.

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Looking to the sun

Is not a secret I prefer pictures with people in them, so when shooting the sunset on the IOR park I had to include people too:


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Sunset on IOR

Unlike some other years, yesterday on the national day, December 1st, I didn’t shoot the military parade, make love, not war, you know… sat at home and near the sunset walked a little in the park: water, sun, birds… it was peaceful.


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