Year: 2017

Pink and blue

Pale pink and bright blue: the blossom is here

Pink and blue

Still going

Mani people got tired, many people lost hope, but the anti-corruption protests continue in Bucharest every day for more than a month and a half.

Still going

Counting petals game

A game of counting petals for the little miss

Counting petals

Another brick in the wall

Sometimes is good to be yet another brick in the wall, when is the wall trying to stop the corruption destroying your life and values.

Another brick in the wall

People against mafia

When a mafia-like sistem tries to take over the country, people stand united against it.

People against mafia

Little dress

Little pretty girl and her little pretty dress

Little dress


A grandpa is #resisting


Springly protests

The saga of anti-corruption protests in Bucharest continues into the spring

Springly protests

Girl with snowdrops

The girl with snowdrops is happy for the spring

Girl with snowdrops

Past tea time

A little bit over tea time. Come again!

Tea time


The Spring is here, enjoy it!


Fun time

Play time is fun time

Fun time

Tea party

Party with tea and fluffy friends

About EU

Almost a full month of daily protests in Bucharest against corrupt politicians. Now people formed a huge flag of the European Unions, one of the few entities they think may help save the country.

About EU


Kisses for Dragobete from Romania
