Month: October 2011

One step closer

Now that the Wikipedia campaign closed, is the time for the next step, judging the photos, and the jury started to work on that. See, even the diplomas are ready:


Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.


It may be lame to talk much about it, but it was my first time to have a picture printed, framed and hanged to the wall of an exhibition which people actually come to see. And there also was an exhibition opening, with food and drinks and people looking and talking, it was… like real.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Bucharest in black and white

Today is the opening of the “Bucharest in black and white” (Bucureștiul în alb și negru) photo gallery, where I qualified with one picture, the one below. Is open until the end of the month, so come and see us at Cărturești:

bucurestiul in alb si negru

While black and white is not exactly my thing, I have adjusted myself to follow the rules, And also had to adjust the framing, while I usually do 3:2, the rules here were 4:3 or 1:1, so unusual color space, unusual framing. Hope I didn’t sucked too much.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.